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Slanted facade cuts. Hotel and dormitory from BJK Architects.

25 of January '25

A hotel and a dormitory with apartments for rent will be built adjacent to Grunwaldzka Avenue in Gdansk. - We planned to create modern architecture in good relation with the surroundings, hence the idea of slanted cuts in the facades, says Tomasz Janiszewski, owner of BJK Architekci studio.

The strip of the main artery of Gdansk - Grunwaldzka Avenue - is the part of the city that will develop dynamically. In recent years, investors have submitted more than 13 applications to verify the parameters of development and land use (10 in Oliwa and three in Wrzeszcz). They concern increasing the height and intensity of development and introducing a residential function.

A hotel and apartment complex with services is also to be built near Grunwaldzka Avenue, at Lewoniewski Brothers Street. The site is very well connected at the intersection of roads, pedestrian routes and the SKM Gdańsk Zaspa stop. The investor is the 4 PIK company affiliated with the owner of the City Meble shopping center located nearby. According to media announcements given by the investor, construction work will begin in mid-2026.

Pomiędzy budynkami projektanci zaplanowali cichy, dobrze doświetlony publiczny dziedziniec z zielenią, miejscami do wypoczynku i kawiarniami.

Between the buildings, designers have planned a quiet, well-lit public courtyard with greenery, rest areas and cafes.

BJK Architekci

design from BJK Architekci

The design of the new development was prepared by the Tri-City studio BJK Arch itekci, known for such projects as Olivia Business Center (including the tallest building Olivia Star), Winter's Residence, Baltic Terraces, Wendy 's and Off Miasto - a development on the site of the former Kłodno railroad station in Gdansk.

- Such a location encourages the introduction of mix-use functions, says Tomasz Janiszewski, founder of BJK Architekci. - The project involves the construction of two buildings (25 and 30 meters high). One will house a hotel, the other a dormitory with apartments. A total of 335 rooms will be built, the area will be 13, 6 thousand square meters.

Between the buildings, designers have planned a quiet, well-lit public courtyard with greenery, rest areas and cafes.

Na parterze nowej zabudowy znajdzie się część usługowa

The first floor of the new development will include a service area

BJK Architects

inspired by sloping roofs

The entire development will sit on a single-story "pedestal" - the first floor of a retail, service and restaurant building of nearly 6,000 sqm. Below ground there will be a two-story garage hall with 480 parking spaces, a swimming pool and a fitness center.

Budynek wyróżniać będą cięcia skośne fasad

The building will be distinguished by cutting slanted facades

BJK Architects

- There are many buildings with sloping roofs in the immediate vicinity, explains Tomasz Janiszewski. - We planned to create modern architecture in good relation with the surroundings, hence the idea for slant cuts of the facades. By cutting the façade, we reduce the scale of the buildings and let southern and western light into the public courtyard. We designed the exterior facades in champagne-colored metal, while the interior facades are matte ceramic in sand color.

Ewa Karendys

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