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Pocketbook in the loop. Greenery reclaimed for residents

23 of August '24

There are linear parks, it's time for looped parks. "Interiors" of streetcar loops are ideal places for extensive green squares. Unfortunately, they are often blind spots inaccessible to passengers and local residents. This is changing in Poznan's Gardens, where a public square is being developed. It is worth following suit on other loops.

The loop in Poznań's Ogrody (next to the Botanical Garden) has occupied the space officially known as Waryński Square since 1951 . However, it is a square mainly in name, because almost from the very beginning of its existence the green space, fenced off by tracks , was "wasted." One could not legally take a shortcut through it , nor could one rest while waiting for a streetcar or bus on one of the numerous lines serving the city's outskirts and suburban municipalities. Worse: passengers had long been forced to crowd around the loop-square on narrow and non-functional sidewalks.

pętla tramwajowa Ogrody w Poznaniu

Ogrody streetcar terminus in Poznań - top view from the northeast, from above Dąbrowskiego Street, before work began

Source: City of Poznań,

Indeed, Ogrody is one of Poznań's rather dysfunctional transfer centers, almost on a par with the loops at Starołęka and Debiec. For the first two decades of this century, there was almost no investment in change, deluding Poznań residents with an extension of the streetcar line to the "Western Gate" - a planned interchange a kilometer to the west beyond the intersection of Dąbrowskiego and Polska streets. The concept is still in play, but fortunately - in the Gardens some sidewalks have recently been repaired, a decent passenger service point with an information pylon has been built (2020), and a short but very important bicycle path connection was put into service this spring .

pętla tramwajowa Ogrody w Poznaniu

Ogrody streetcar terminus in Poznań - new bicycle crossing over Kościelna Street connecting two sections of the bike path

Photo: Jakub Głaz

more trees

The real revolution in Waryński Square is happening now, however. Surrounded by tracks, the vast field overgrown with grass, bushes and a few trees will be transformed into a square or pocket park. The Gardens Estate Council is behind the initiative, and the work is being carried out by the Public Transport Authority. Work has already begun. Unfortunately, some shrubs and 10 trees - withered or in bad shape - had to be cut down. Fortunately, new specimens will replace them more than adequately.

pętla tramwajowa Ogrody w Poznaniu

Ogrody streetcar loop in Poznań - general concept with information on the most important changes

Source: City of Poznan,

The city informs that

24 new trees will be planted in the square, there will be numerous flower beds, shrubs, perennials and ornamental grasses. [...] Among the trees planned for planting are a Dutch linden, a red chestnut, a common maple and an American amber tree. There will also be such perennials as common orchids, stiff sedges or Japanese anemones. In turn, the colorful flowerbeds [...] - catnip and roses.

As the City declares, the project is consistent with the form of the friendly green belt arranged with the new stop on Dabrowski Street two years ago.

pętla tramwajowa Ogrody w Poznaniu

Ogrody streetcar loop in Poznań - new greenbelt and bus stop on Dąbrowskiego Street completed in 2022, streetcar loop on the right

photo: Jakub Głaz

Alleys will let through, boards will display

Alleys will be arranged in the landscaped square , which, among other things, will make it easier for local residents to get to bus stops and pass through the square. The pedestrian routes seem to be functionally designed: they will cross the square and lead around its perimeter. At the same time, thought was given to the proper approach to rainwater:

The surface of the alleys will be made of high-quality natural stones, grits and a special ecological binder, which has good water permeability and durability, while allowing comfortable walking.

koncepcja zagospodarowania pętli na placu Waryńskiego

Concept for the development of the loop in Waryński Square - on the left Szpitalna Street, on top Dąbrowskiego Street

Source: FB Gardens Estate Council

There will be 12 benches along the alleys (with a paved space for baby carriages next to them) and 21 discreet LED streetlights. Daily observation of the "planting" of benches in Poznań's squares, however, leads us to believe that a dozen seats may prove to be an insufficient number. Residents are increasingly fond of spending time outdoors next to their homes, which nullifies the populist narrative , dominant until recently , about "benches where only bums sit."

pętla tramwajowa Ogrody w Poznaniu

The Ogrody streetcar terminus in Poznań - preparatory works, southward view

photo: Jakub Głaz

Very importantly, in the middle of the green space , electronic boards are to be erected to inform about departures, directing to bus stops scattered around the area. It remains to be hoped that they will be installed in such a way that the messages will be visible to as many passengers as possible. After all, Poznań's experience in this regard has been mixed.

pętla tramwajowa Ogrody w Poznaniu

Ogrody streetcar terminal in Poznań - ZTM customer service point from 2020

photo: Jakub Głaz

A master plan for the loop?

The transformation of the interior of the Ogrody loop promises to be very sensible for functional, but also for urban planning reasons. Surrounding the square are interesting modernist buildings from the late 1950s and early 1960s (including one of the first two residential skyscrapers), the qualities of which are best seen from inside the square. Perhaps in the future the form of this space will further evolve when the loop is moved to the planned "Western Gate." The barrier of the ring of tracks will disappear and the green square will have to be skillfully connected to the edges of the square.

pętla tramwajowa Ogrody w Poznaniu

Ogrody streetcar loop in Poznań - preparatory works, view from inside the loop, in the background characteristic residential buildings from the late 1950s

photo: Jakub Głaz

Finally, as the Neighborhood Council highly praises its cooperation with the Public Transport Authority, it is necessary to follow suit and get down to the transformation of other Poznań loops.

pętla tramwajowa Starołęka PKM w Poznaniu

Starołęka PKM streetcar loop in Poznań - the green space in the middle is inaccessible, passengers have a difficult passage


As on Ogrody so far, their interiors are sometimes green, but - functionally - dead, while passengers crowd the periphery. ZTM should therefore develop a coherent forward-looking plan to transform some of the transfer points into pocket parks.

Jakub Głaz

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