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It is to be the second largest in Gdansk. Plans for South Park

30 of August '24

The passing of development plans is another step toward the creation of the 77-hectare South Park. Planned based on existing greenery, the park will be built in the chaotically developing southwestern part of the city, which suffers from a shortage of services, recreation areas and an efficient transportation system.

The park in the southern part of Gdansk, within the boundaries of Orunia Górna, Jasień and Ujeściska-Łostowich, is to occupy an area of 77 hectares, almost as much as 108 full-size football fields. It would then be the second-largest park in Gdansk, after the 85-hectare Reagan Park. Greenery at the site is not new, however: much of the area is already overgrown with trees, meadows and shrubs.

Implementation is planned for many years and will be divided into phases. During public consultations, residents reported that they wanted, among other things, to preserve the natural character of the park, including, for example, the wild character of the streams of Dulin Pond. They pointed out the problematic course of New Bulonskaya Street, which cuts through the park, running right through the middle of the area. They also want neighboring areas of the district to be connected to the park by walking and bicycle paths.

Tak może wyglądać park Południowy

This is what South Park could look like

Rayss Group

Does the city learn from its mistakes?

The architectural and landscape concept for South Park, commissioned by the Office of the City Architect, was prepared last year by the Rayss Group studio. Previously, the study for the area was handled by the A2P2 studio. To preserve as much of the existing flora and fauna habitat as possible, the design process is to be minimally invasive. Rayss Group's designers argue that "the basic qualities of the park resulting from the rich natural structure, as well as spontaneously designated walking trails, only need to be enhanced."

The South Park is a good opportunity for the city to show that it learns from its mistakes and listens to its residents. It's also a fantastic testing ground for new approaches to the design and implementation of green spaces, as well as their management according to ecosystem functionality," Joanna Rayss - one of the authors of the South Park concept - said in an interview with AiB.

The designers assumed preservation of as many elements of the existing landscape as possible and division of the area into four zones:

* wild - with minimal human interference, limited to the construction of paths suspended above the natural mulch.
* natural succession - with pedestrian traffic allowed, as well as bicycles, scooters, rollerblades
* meadow and field - with places for picnicking, lounging, walking, but also cycling or rollerblading
* activity and recreation - with a fire pit, skatepark, water playground, toilets and food area.

Masterplan zakłada podział parku na cztery strefy, w tym dziką - z minimalną ingerencją człowieka

The master plan calls for dividing the park into four zones, including a wild zone - with minimal human interference

Rayss Group

New local plans for South Park

In order to realize South Park, however, it is necessary to amend local zoning plans. The Gdansk Development Bureau in August put out drafts of two such documents - for the eastern and western parts of the park, covering a total area of more than 40 hectares. The plans indicate green areas for the South Park, but also recreation areas and connections for pedestrians and cyclists. Residents can take part in public discussions of the draft plans on September 5 and 9.

Zbiornik Świętokrzyska w Parku Południowym w Gdańsku. W tle chaotyczna zabudowa

The Swietokrzyska Reservoir in the South Park in Gdansk. Chaotic buildings in the background

Photo: Jerzy Pinkas/

- The development plans will secure the green areas for the South Park and enable consistent development, says Edyta Damszel-Turek, director of the Gdansk Development Office,in an interview with AiB. - I would like to remind you that compared to the original assumptions, the park area has increased by more than 20 hectares of land that was previously planned as investment land. We assume the enactment of plans at the turn of the year, then the next stage of work awaits us: design and implementation. Implementation, which is already the responsibility of the Gdansk Roads and Greenery Authority, will be carried out in stages.

Ewa Karendys

The vote has already been cast

Stone takes the stage - natural stone fair, September 24-27, Verona, Italy