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House Unfolded in Gryfice project of TTAT studio

24 of January '20
Technical data
Name: House Unfolded
Investor: private
Location: , Gryfice
Project: , Magdalena Tokarska, Piotr Tokarski
Collaboration: Bartosz Wolny, Kasjan Stabik


  • design

Usable area:

359,7 m²

On the outskirts of Gryfice, in the valley of the Rega River, on a picturesque plot overlooking fields and forests, architects from the Katowice-based TTAT studio designed an unusual, unfolded house, blending into the idyllic landscape.

A priority for the authors of the project was to create an appropriate relationship between the environment and the architecture. Aware of the impact that buildings have on the landscape, they tried to integrate the architecture of the single-family house as well as possible into the existing terrain, so that the building harmonizes with its surroundings and at the same time complements them.

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The goal of the project, as the authors emphasize, was to create a space that opens up to attractive views in various directions, which will provide the home's residents with the opportunity to experience the surrounding nature. Inscribing an elaborate functional program into one compact form would have significantly interfered with the landscape and dominated the surroundings. Wanting to preserve the idyllic character of the place, the architects drew inspiration from the homestead buildings typical of rural areas of Western Pomerania.

In order to create the illusion of a smaller building than in reality and to match its scale to the context of the place, the authors of the project decided to divide the body of the house into smaller functional units. The individual parts, in the form of individual cottages of small cubic capacity, have been connected with each other, thus creating a single functional organism. The staggered blocks were connected in a minimal way so as to allow communication between them. Thanks to this arrangement of the individual parts of the house, each of them will provide residents with attractive views of the surrounding landscape.

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The design of the Staggered House consists of six blocks: a bungalow with an entrance, kitchen, dining room and bedroom in the attic, a bungalow with a living room, a bungalow with rooms for children, a bungalow with a study, a technical area and aguest room in the attic, and a separate garage, while an extension of the garden is the orangery connected to the living room, which is also a separate functional unit in the form of a single cottage.

aksonometria — parter

axonometry - first floor


Both the facades and roofs of the house were designed by the architects in monochromatic tones, with smooth plaster and sheet metal, respectively. As they emphasize, the material restraint adopted in the project is intentional, the design premise was an attempt to blend the development into the environment and at the same time not to distract the observer from the attractive elements that make up the landscape of the place.

According to the authors, the carried out process of transformation of the body of the building makes the house stand in symbiosis with the environment, becomes part of the idyllic character of the place and opens up to the attractive area.


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