A space for integration, therapy and development for neurodiverse and neurotypical children at the same time. {tag:studenci} under the supervision of Dr. Eng. arch. Joanna Dudek designed the Children's Center. Her work won second place in the Best Engineering Diploma of the Year 2024 competition organized by Politechnika Rzeszowska and SARP Oddział Rzeszów.
The designed facility combines the functions of a psychological and pedagogical clinic for children with a community center. The Children's Center is a space where children's development is supported in psychological, social and cultural aspects. At the same time, the project aims to improve the image of institutions for psychological diagnosis and therapy in the eyes of society.
Children's Center
proj.: Jadwiga Hadała
Despite significant improvements in awareness of the importance of mental health, there are still beliefs that symptoms of psychological diseases or disorders are shameful. Often parents are afraid of diagnosis in their children. This is due to various factors, such as fear of being judged by other people or the belief that a diagnosis could negatively affect the child's future.
- explains the author.
A place for therapy, learning and playing together
The author stresses the importance of interaction in everyday situations in the process of counteracting the stigmatization of people with mental illness. Places such as the designed Children's Center allow healthy children to establish relationships with those affected by various types of developmental disorders, which helps build openness and understanding.
The design part of the work was preceded by analyses, which allowed the author to learn about the needs of potential users of the planned facility. The choice of the location of the facility was dictated by the close presence of greenery and access to public transportation. There are also multi-family residential buildings in the close vicinity of the selected plot, as well as an elementary school.
Children's Center
designed by Jadwiga Hadała
Inside there were rooms with various functions. The first floor of the building is planned to house a conference room, a workshop and an educational room, and most of the administrative rooms were located there. The first floor will be used for group and individual therapy, as well as family therapy. The cultural center has been located on the first floor of the building, where there will be separate music, technical, art and computer studios.
smooth and friendly body
The building was designed on a rectangular plan and shaped by soft cutouts in its fluid and symmetrical body. Orienting the building on a north-south axis allowed for optimal sunlight exposure and separated the rest area and the playground and sensory garden located there from the entrance area. Part of the second level of the building has been opened up, and on it it was planned to create a terrace with a view of the surrounding greenery.
Children's Center
designed by Jadwiga Hadała
Second Prize was awarded for a very good combination of the function of the psychological and pedagogical clinic with calming architecture in a good scale and with good detailing. The whole influences the positive perception of the environment, forming empathy, learning order and accuracy
- reads the justification of the competition jury.