UGO Architecture

Hugon Kowalski (1987) - architect

Since 2010 he has been working at the university as an assistant in the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Arts in Poznan. For his diploma project "Porozmawiajmy o śmieciach" concerning the problem of slums in Mumbai, whose supervisor was Robert Konieczny, he was the first Pole to receive the prestigious Archiprix International Hunter Douglas Awards for the best architectural diploma in the world defended in 2009-2011.

In 2010, in his fourth year of studies, he opened his own studio - UGO Architecture, which he continues to develop to this day. He has won 27 Polish and international awards. In 2012, he won first prize in the "Archi-world Academy" competition for young architects and architecture students. Winner of the "International Design Award" (2008. - house category, 2nd place 2009. - public building and single-family house). Distinguished in the competition for the concept of Narutowicz Square in Warsaw, winner of the Maciej Nowicki Award in 2014. His projects have been presented at exhibitions in Seoul, Milan, Bologna or Manchester. Since 2012, he has been an active member of the board of the Poznan Association of Polish Architects.

Architektura & Biznes – articles