Contact us
INTERURBAN is a studio, the core of which are architects, Weronika Juszczyk and Łukasz Piankowski. We gained our experience and knowledge in reputable architectural offices, and since 2010 we have been running our own design business. We are the winners of many awards in competitions, including the headquarters of the Polish Gas Company in Gdansk, Water Sports Base in Gizycko, Maciej Nowicki Award, INSIDER DESIGNER model apartment (Echo Investment Wroclaw), modular houses 'Antykatalogowiec' and awards EUROPAN 10 in Warsaw or the concept of a new chocolate pump room E.Wedel. Our project of a non-(typical) house was also included in the exhibition Westival of Architecture in Szczecin in 2013.
"There is no such thing as a "typical person" designed for a typical house". - Oskar and Sophie Hansen. Each project invariably at scale is set in a different cultural, social, historical context, etc., it is also designed for a variety of users, so in our work we focus on finding and implementing solutions that are closely tailored to local conditions and the people who use that space. We believe that mutual trust in the client-architect relationship allows us to create interesting, places, and thus also directly affect the improvement of the surrounding space.
how we work
The basis of each project is an idea, a guiding concept, which we realize and detail as the work progresses, until the final result. We listen to the client, ask questions, analyze the material, observe, give solutions so as to create distinctive places. We create objects, objects, places both on a micro and macro scale, working with a team of specialists in various fields, with the necessary design authorizations. We perform comprehensive supervision of the investment, combining and coordinating multiple industries.
what sets us apart
Our concepts of varying scales are based on a logical functional scenario, we create individualized and unique projects that give a new quality to everyday life. The key element for us is the expediency of solutions, the balance between simplicity and joy of design is important to us. Each subsequent task is a challenge. We want our realizations to tell stories, connecting people and places.