Timber in architecture


Timber in architecture

na okładce:

Malgorzata TOMCZAK

Timber in architecture

Steel, glass and concrete were synonymous with modernity. At most, cottages by the lake or in the mountains were built of wood. Everything changed when we realized that construction was responsible for 40 percent of carbon dioxide emissions and the costs, especially environmental, far outweighed the benefits. Today, timber is one of the most promising materials in architecture. In many cases, it can be an alternative to higher-emitting materials, covering not only structures, but also thermal insulation, finishing and facade materials.

So will CLT—Cross-Laminated Timber—become a leading technology in the future? Everything points to it. For the time being, its mass use is hampered by the law and, above all, fire regulations. Meanwhile, the advantages are numerous. The most commonly emphasized are that it is a natural, renewable material with a low carbon footprint. It is also cozy, warm and soothes the senses in an overstimulated world. We write a lot about it in this issue and, as the architect from the APA Wojciechowski studio, co-author of the office building in Many, emphasized, "It smells like Christmas."

Wood is also the leading theme of this year's ARCHI-STRADA held at BUDMA in Poznań. A&B is a partner of the event. We invite you to read more! And see you in February at the Poznan International Fair!


Table of contents


FOPA. We discover architectural secrets [18].

The 10th edition of the Festival of Open Architecture Studios

This award does not make us better architects [20].

Interview with Przemo Łukasik
from the series "Winners and recipients of the SARP Honorary Award"
interviewed: Wojciech FUDALA

Inhalations and exhalations [30].

Poznan Design Festival, 25-27.10.2024

A city like a spa [34].

Narrations #15, Gdansk, 15-16.11.2024

Fading [38]

Branding Chernobyl

Holiday center of the Silesian University of Technology in Jastrzebia Gora - Morskie Echo [42].

Competition "Best Diploma ARCHITECTURE"

Interior design of a restaurant in the building of a former dairy in the village of Przemocze [44].

Competition "Best Diploma of INTERIOR DESIGN

newsboard [46-55]

books, exhibitions, competitions, patronages, memories, news

Buildings + ideas [46]

Review of the book "buildings + ideas"
by Robert Konieczny and Philip Jodidio
Wojciech FUDALA

Why do we need architecture? [56]

Special supplement by Rockwool Poland

  • FOPA: 10. edycja Festiwalu Otwartych Pracowni Architektonicznych
  • Rozmowa z Przemo Łukasikiem z cyklu „Laureaci i laureatki Honorowej Nagrody SARP”
  • Dominika DROZDOWSKA: Poznań Design Festiwal, 25–27.10.2024
  • Anna CYMER: Narracje #15, Gdańsk, 15–16.11.2024
  • Andrzej LERACZYK: Branding Czarnobyla
  • Po co nam architektura? - ROCKWOOL Polska

e-publication supplement

Human-non-human relations in the city - an inter-species hotel in Wroclaw [e02].

"Best Diploma ARCHITECTURE" competition

Design of a railroad station in Jurata [e06].

Competition "Best Diploma ARCHITECTURE"

Interior design of the student canteen at the campus of Poznań University of Technology on St. Roch Street [e10].

"Best Interior Design Diploma" competition.

Modernization of interior design of the restaurant and hotel part of the "Ładoga" vessel in Szczecin [e14].

Competition "Best Diploma of Interior Design"
Aleksandra WALUK

  • Kamila ZBOINA: Ludzko-nie-ludzkie relacje w mieście — międzygatunkowy hotel we Wrocławiu
  • Zofia NAPIONTEK: Projekt dworca kolejowego w Juracie
  • Paulina OLEJNICZAK: Projekt wnętrza stołówki studenckiej w kampusie Politechniki Poznańskiej przy ul. św. Rocha
  • Aleksandra WALUK: Modernizacja aranżacji wnętrz restauracji oraz części hotelowej jednostki pływającej „Ładoga” w Szczecinie

theme of the issue

Wood in architecture as a material of the future? [82]

Magdalena MILERT

CLT is the future [92]


Pushing the boundaries [100]

Mateusz MASTALSKY is interviewed by Marta KULAWIK

A natural choice? [112]

Sylva company building in Many,
proj. APA Wojciechowski Architects

With Magdalena RACHuta and Ewa SROCZYÑSKA
interviewed by Ola KLOC

The art of camouflage [122].

Musiksaal Stadtcasino in Basel,
proj.: Herzog & de Meuron

Bartosz HADUCH, Michal HADUCH

Fantasy portfolio [138]


Permission to splice [140].

Jakub GŁAZ

Hits and Kits [142]

Jakub Glaz
Blazej Ciarkowski
Paweł Mrozek
Wojciech Fudala
Kuba Snopek
Robert Konieczny
Ewa Karendys

  • Magdalena MILERT: Drewno w architekturze jako materiał przyszłości?
  • Ewa KARENDYS: Cross-Laminated Timber to przyszłość
  • Z Mateuszem Mastalskim rozmawia Marta Kulawik
  • budynek firmy Sylva w Wielu, APA Wojciechowski Architekci
  • Bartosz HADUCH, Michał HADUCH: Musiksaal Stadtcasino w Bazylei, Herzog & de Meuron
  • Jakub SZCZĘSNY: Portfolio fantastyczne
  • Jakub GŁAZ: Pozwolenie na klecenie
  • Hity i Kity 2024

Number preview