Third places


Third places

na okładce:

Małgorzata TOMCZAK

Third Places

103 Marszałkowska St. At this address is the white concrete building of the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw. After nearly two decades of operation—first on Pańska Street in the former Emilia, then in the Pavilion on the Vistula River—the institution has permanently moved to the very heart of Warsaw, to Plac Defilad, opposite the Palace of Culture and Science.

MSN stirs up emotions that the world of architecture in postwar Poland does not remember. In this issue, we take a look at the building and talk with its designer Thomas Phifer and Museum Director Joanna Mytkowska. We look for references and analyze the socio-spatial context. We ask for opinions. Will it become a favorite third place for Varsovians? Time will tell.

Today we know that this is the next stage of the New Warsaw Center project. It is to be comfortable, green, friendly to all and full of life.

We invite you to read this issue!

On behalf of the Editorial Board, Publisher and the entire A&B team, I would like to wish you - our Readers, Contributors, Friends - a beautiful Christmas, a happy New Year and... lots of inspiration and endless energy to make your dreams come true.


Table of contents


Best Interior Diploma [16].

Settlement of the 4th edition of the A&B competition [2022–2024 diplomas]
Aleksandra SKORUPA

The panopticon of social modernism - in thrall to the ignorance of the legacy of the Cold War [20]

Interview with Lukasz Galusek and Michal Wisniewski
interviewed by Przemysław CIĘPKA

Common Future - Common Challenges [28]

Common Future: Congress for the Reconstruction of Ukraine, Poznań, October 7-8, 2024

Ladies and gentlemen, the motorcycle has broken down for us [32]

IV Congress on Urban and Regional Policy, Krakow, October 7-8, 2024

Reuse in action [36]

Interview with Hélène Cascaro and Mathieu Lamour
interviewed: Dorota BIELAWSKA

9-square grid. Model social building of residential development in Piekary Slaskie [42]

"Best Diploma ARCHITECTURE" competition.
Oliwia JAGŁA

Cracks of the (over)sea. Design of a service and exhibition pavilion [44]

Competition "Best Diploma INTERIOR DESIGN"

newsboard [46-55]

books, exhibitions, competitions, patronages, memories, news

Artistic phenomenon of Engineering [46]

Interview with Anna Walewska about the book "Colleagues. Inżynierska 3"
interviewed: Katarzyna SZOSTAK

  • Najlepszy Dyplom WNĘTRZA – Rozstrzygnięcie 4. edycji konkursu A&B [dyplomy z lat 2022–2024]
  • Przemysław CIĘPKA: Rozmowa z Łukaszem Galuskiem i Michałem Wiśniewskim
  • Dominika DROZDOWSKA: Common Future: Kongres Odbudowy Ukrainy, Poznań, 7–8 października 2024
  • Wiktor BOCHENEK: IV Kongres Polityki Miejskiej i Regionalnej, Kraków, 7–8 października 2024
  • Dorota BIELAWSKA: Rozmowa z Hélène Cascaro i Mathieu Lamour
  • Katarzyna SZOSTAK: Rozmowa z Anną Walewską o książce „Koleżanki i koledzy. Inżynierska 3”

e-publication supplement

Additions to the urban fabric using concrete printing [e02]

Competition "Best Diploma ARCHITECTURE"

Conceptual design of the Digital Archive of the Achievement of Civilization in Katowice (Civilization Ark) [e06]

Competition "Best Diploma ARCHITECTURE"

Kindergarten in Strzelce Opolskie - reactivation. A space that stimulates child development [e10]

Competition "Best Diploma of INTERIORITY"
Natalia HUDZIK

Holistic Center. Design of relaxation and contemplation space [e14].

Competition "Best Diploma of the Interior"

  • Paweł MARJAŃSKI: Uzupełnienia tkanki miejskiej z wykorzystaniem druku betonem
  • Michał SWARYCZEWSKI: Projekt koncepcyjny Cyfrowego Archiwum Dorobku Cywilizacji w Katowicach (Civilization Ark)
  • Natalia HUDZIK: Przedszkole w Strzelcach Opolskich – reaktywacja. Przestrzeń stymulująca rozwój dziecka
  • Marcelina ROJKOWSKA: Centrum Holistyczne. Projekt przestrzeni relaksacyjno-kontemplacyjnej

theme of the issue

moodboard [58].

#Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw

The beginning of change: white walls against Warsaw's gray past
Thomas PHIFER, author of the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw project, is interviewed by Izabela KUTYŁA-SZTUK

MSN - you can criticize!
With the director of the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw Joanna MYTKOWSKA talks to Małgorzata TOMCZAK

Radically good enough. About the most important (today) building in Poland

You have to wait ten years
Jakub GŁAZ

About MSN

Not quite a white box
Bartosz HADUCH (NArchitekTURA)

MSN - perfect background architecture
Robert KONIECZNY (KWK Promes)

I count to three and wait for the revolution [94]

Magdalena MILERT

Successful meeting places, untapped potential [102]


Libraries as third places [110]

Library in Choszczówka,
proj.: Ambient Magdalena Pios;
Municipal and communal public library in Belzyce,
proj.: GK-Atelier;
Library in Buk,
proj.: Neostudio Architekci


It's all about well-being [122]

interviewed by Ola KLOC

The big wave in Kanagawa [130]

KAIT Plaza,
proj.: junya.ishigami+associates (Junya Ishigami)

Bartosz HADUCH, Michal HADUCH

I'm not about the museum, I'm about us [144]


Akurat! [145]

Jakub GŁAZ

  • moodboard: #Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej w Warszawie
  • Magdalena MILERT: Liczę do trzech i czekam na rewolucję
  • Ewa KARENDYS: Udane miejsca spotkań, niewykorzystany potencjał
  • biblioteka w Choszczówce, proj.: Ambient Magdalena Pios; miejsko-gminna biblioteka publiczna w Bełżycach, proj.: GK-Atelier; biblioteka w Buku, proj.: Neostudio Architekci
  • Z Javierem PEÑA IBÁÑEZEM rozmawia Ola KLOC
  • KAIT Plaza, proj.: junya.ishigami+associates (Junya Ishigami)
  • Jakub SZCZĘSNY: Ja nie o muzeum, ja o nas
  • Jakub GŁAZ: Akurat!

Issue preview