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Lublin University of Technology
The Faculty of Construction and Architecture at Lublin University of Technology has been in operation since 1965, having been established while it was still in the College of Engineering as the Faculty of Construction. Currently, at the Faculty of Construction and Architecture, students study two majors: Construction and Architecture. In the Construction faculty, studies are conducted in full-time and part-time modes at both the first and second degree levels, while in the Architecture faculty, studies are conducted in full-time mode at the first and second degree levels. There are 3 diploma specializations within the Construction faculty at the second degree level: Building and Engineering Structures; Roads, Bridges and Eco-Infrastructure; Construction Technology and Organization; Construction of Traditional and Historic Objects.
The faculty also includes two scientific disciplines: the Discipline of Civil Engineering, Surveying and Transportation, and the Discipline of Architecture and Urban Planning. The faculty has an academic category of A and the rights to confer doctoral degrees in the discipline of Civil Engineering and Transportation.