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Architect can change the existing reality

17 of June '24

Maciej Franta met this time with architecture students from Lublin University of Technology (June 11) and Rzeszow University of Technology (June 14). These were the last of eight lectures in the series organized by A&B "Road to the Profession", in which we also visited the Faculties of Architecture at the Technical Universities of Krakow, Gliwice, Poznan, Wroclaw, Gdansk and Warsaw.

partners of the meeting

the influence of architecture on reality

According to Maciej Franta, one of the best-known architects of the young generation in Poland, who runs the FRANTA GROUP Architekt Maciej Franta studio, the quintessence of the architect's profession is not designing buildings, but thinking about creating the surrounding reality. A good architect creates buildings that have a soul, that are part of a specific story about a given space and that fit into a broader urban context.

Maciej Franta podczas wykładu na Politechnice Rzeszowskiej

Maciej Franta during a lecture at Rzeszow University of Technology

Photo by Beata Motyka

inspirations from other fields of art

Designing does not begin on a piece of paper or in a computer program, but in the architect's imagination. In the process of creation it is very important to use various inspirations and branches of art. Architecture is not in a cultural vacuum, but is an element that shapes culture. Maciej Franta mentioned his inspirations, including comic books and sci-fi movies, echoes of which can be found in his realizations, such as Zorro, Cosmo or the project for the expansion of the spa in Ustroń Zawodzie, created in cooperation with KWK Promes.

Maciej Franta podczas wykładu na Politechnice Rzeszowskiej

Maciej Franta during a lecture at Rzeszow University of Technology

Photo by Beata Motyka

meeting the needs of residents

Franta stressed that an architect should think about the comfort and needs of future users. He referred to childhood dreams of a tree house or a time of carefree vacations, reflected in his residential buildings with large green terraces, such as Villa Reden.

pełna sala na Politechnice Rzeszowskiej

A full house at Rzeszow University of Technology

Photo by Beata Motyka

discussion with students

The lectures became the starting point for a lively discussion among the students. Among other things, the topic of investors was raised - according to Maciej Franta, the task of architects-creators is to dialogue with developers and explain to them that an interesting project does not have to involve expensive materials at all, and pro-social solutions allow for greater profits.

Studentki Politechniki Lubelskiej

Students of Lublin University of Technology

Photo: Patrycja Dąbrowska

According to Maciej Franta, architects should get involved in discussions on planning urban spaces, as well as present their realizations to a wide audience, taking part in competitions or making projects available in the media. In this way they have a chance to become a significant voice in the public debate.

Studenci Politechniki Lubelskiej

Students of Lublin University of Technology

Photo: Patrycja Dąbrowska

People also asked about Franta Group's working methods. The architect stressed that the process begins with problematizing the existing situation. In his studio, the use of ready-made solutions is forbidden, as architecture is about collecting data and solving spatial problems arising in a given place, which are later dressed up in a concrete form. The architect also emphasized the importance of author's supervision in achieving the expected results, the essence of learning from the best, especially at the beginning of one's career, and solutions that offer the chance to create timeless architecture.

Studenci i studentki Politechniki Rzeszowskiej

Male and female students of Rzeszow University of Technology

Photo by Beata Motyka

In the coming academic year, we will embark on another tour of Polish universities. The heroine of the lectures this time will be Aleksandra Wasilkowska, an architect and stage designer whose projects go beyond the classical understanding of architecture. Wasilkowska is known for her so-called shadow architecture, in which she cares about the inclusivity and accessibility of space. One example of her realizations is the award-winning and Mies van der Rohe-nominated Błonie Market near Warsaw. Join us for another series of lectures!

Studenci Politechniki Rzeszowskiej

Students of Rzeszow University of Technology

Photo by Beata Motyka

Lecture partners:

Contents partners of the lectures:

  • Faculty of Architecture, Lublin University of Technology
  • Faculty of Architecture, Rzeszów University of Technology


  • SARP Branch Krakow
  • SARP Lublin Branch
  • SARP Rzeszów Branch

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