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Julia Ash - "The space of contemplation. Problems of contemporary spirituality"

04 of September '24
Technical data
Type: master's thesis
Year of defense: 2024

Julia Popiół

Uniwersytet Artystyczny w Poznaniu
Prof. Mikołaj Stankowski

Work submitted for the competition
"Best Interior Diploma".

The project is a response to the problem of contemporary spirituality, a multidimensional phenomenon, much broader than religion itself. Although traditional religions are losing ground in the European world, the need for spirituality has not disappeared, as it is an element naturally present in every human being. Developing the spiritual realm brings many benefits to mental and physical health - this is the idea behind the contemplation space project. It is a place that will help to stop in the rush of life, sink into contemplation and look at the non-material world.



© Julia Ash

My goal was to create an inclusive sacred zone that would not be identified with any religion. A space that is free of prejudice, open to everyone, regardless of beliefs and values, and above all serves to build bonds and spiritual search. In creating this place, I wanted to emphasize the importance of going beyond standard thinking.



© Julia Ash

The diversity of alternative spirituality and the growing number of people involved in it require the introduction of new solutions. The key is to maintain religious neutrality, and thus move away from typical religious representations. The focus should be on qualities that, regardless of beliefs, create an experience of "holiness."



© Julia Ash

The contemplative space must be different from the ordinary, create the impression of entering another world - the spiritual world. That is why the functional layout is characterized by an island character. The various zones are arranged in the form of interconnected symmetrical islands on the water, which gives the interior the desired transcendental dimension. The experience of the journey begins by entering the vestibule, separated from the proper part of the interior by glass screens. Behind them is the entrance area with a central entrance portal. Crossing this threshold is the moment of immersion into the world of spirit.



© Julia Ash

We proceed to the garden of water, here sound plays a fundamental role. The composition of the space is based on a rhythmic sequence of solids, over the construction of which streams of water flow, soothing and helping to immerse in contemplation. The forms are surrounded by the author's images of selected universal values exposed on fabrics, which can serve as a starting point for reflection. The closing element of the water garden is the introduced play of detail on the arcade and ceiling. It provides an integral, monolithic background for the stone forms.



© Julia Popiół

The next space is the sacred zone. The uniqueness of the place is emphasized by its cylindrical form exposed on the perforated wall. The most important thing here is the high slit, which lets in sunlight, giving the space a transcendent character. From it in the form of an echo extend the vertical panels surrounding the form, which contrast with the circular structure of the ceiling and floor. Seating spaces are embedded in the recesses of both structures, as well as light rings that illuminate the interior at night. Adjoining the main part of the interior are side aisles open to the surrounding nature. The spaciousness of the space makes it possible to hold meetings of a spiritual nature, creating a favorable environment for community formation.



© Julia Popiół

The last zone consists of spaces for individual contemplation. Each is a separate block enclosed by glass doors to limit stimuli and sounds. Light enters the space through a vertical opening in the wall, shrouding the section in a soothing half-shade.



© Julia Ash

An important aspect of the project was to build on research in the field of neuroarchitecture. When planning the space, I focused not only on creating the right emotions, but also on responding to the diverse human needs for practicing spirituality.


cross section

© Julia Ash


Illustrations: © Author

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