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You have decided! The results of voting for the Audience Award in the St. Witkiewicz competition

01 of October '20

September 30 marked the end of the first-ever voting for the Stanislaw Witkiewicz Małopolska Voivodeship Award competition for the Public Award. From August 13 you could cast your votes in each of the three competition categories - Residential Architecture, Public Architecture and Public Space. Check out who won the highest number of votes, and who was awarded by the competition jury.

TheStanislaw Witkiewicz Prize of the Malopolska Region is awarded every two years, since 2003. Its purpose is to support valuable architectural realizations, which, referring to the existing architecture and cultural landscape of the region, co-create a harmonious public space and provide inspiration for buildings being built in its surroundings. In this year's anniversary edition, 40 realizations were submitted to the competition in three categories: Public Utility Architecture (14 projects), Residential Architecture (17 projects) and Public Space (9 projects), from among which the jury selected the winners of the 10th edition of the competition for the Stanislaw Witkiewicz Małopolski Voivodeship Award.

This year, in cooperation with the organizers of the competition - the Marshal's Office of the Malopolska Region and the Krakow branch of the Association of Polish Architects, we also gave the readers a vote:

Winners in the
Residential Architecture category

In the public vote in the Residential Architecture category, the winner was a complex of three single-family residential buildings calledThe Boats in Koscielisko, which received 3422 votes. The authors of the project are architects from the Karpiel Steindel Architecture studio. The fight in this category was evenly matched - the second place with 3243 votes went to the project Domek in Dursztyn (proj.: Gaja Bieniasz, Javier Presencio Fernandez), and the third place to Brick House in Krakow (proj.: Kita Koral Architekci), which received 2228 votes.

The Boats
z widokiem na Tatry

The Boats overlooking the Tatra Mountains

© Karpiel Steindel Architecture

The Boats is a house complex consisting of a main building and two smaller guest cottages. The architects wanted the building, located on a mountainside, to fit in with the picturesque surroundings; through the use of black dyed drapes, the houses are reminiscent of mountain chalets.

In the vote of the competition jury, the winner was the House in Dursztyn designed by Gaia Bieniasz and Javier Presencio Fernandez.

Winners in the category
Public utility architecture

Among the nominated public buildings, the palm house project at the Jagiellonian University Botanical Garden in Krakow won the public vote. The project by AKN design studios Marta Trojanowska-Sieńko and DGM Architekci won 2446 votes. In second place was the project of the Wrestling Center in Krakow (proj.: Studio Architektoniczne Desiderata Anna Dzwoniarska-Wisz) with 1,848 votes, and in third place was Krakow's Puro Hotel (proj.: ASW Architekci), which received 923 votes.

Nowa szklarnia
w Ogrodzie Botanicznym UJ

The new greenhouse at the Botanical Garden of the Jagiellonian University

photo: Rafał Matrejek

Thenew green house is reminiscent in shape of the oldest object of this type previously existing in the Cracow Botanical Garden, which is preserved only in old engravings. Measuring 21 meters at its highest point, the structure was built on an octagonal plan, with a peak topped by a dome.

The jury awarded the first prize in this category to the project of the railroad station in Oświęcim designed by Pawel Kosmicki and PKP S.A. Office of Funds and Investment Preparation Design Department.

Winners in the category
Public space

The best public space in the public vote was the viewing tower with a didactic path in the treetops in Krynica-Zdrój. The project by Podhalanska Pracownia Architektoniczna Buduj a Woloj won 5249 votes. Second place in this category went to the Smoczy Skwer Do Woli in Park Decjusza in Krakow (proj.: JAKABE Projects) with 2629 votes, and third place went to the Great Synagogue Memorial Park in Oświęcim (proj.: NArchtekTURA), which received 121 votes.

Wieża widokowa
w Krynicy-Zdroju

The observation tower in Krynica-Zdrój

Photo: Slotwiny Arena

Measuring almost 50 meters in height, the viewing tower in Krynica-Zdroj stands at the top of the Slotwiny Arena ski station. The structure of the tower was made of acacia robinia wood. The wooden path is supported by 18 support towers and 87 poles.

According to the jury, the best public space is the Great SynagogueMemorial Park in Oświęcim designed by the NArchitekTURA office.

Thank you for all the votes cast and congratulations to the winners! You can find the full results of the public vote here. A one-year subscription to A&B magazine awaits the winners of the public vote!

compiled by
Ola Kloc

The vote has already been cast