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Ice cream, ice cream to cool off! Ice cream shop in Siemianowice Slaskie from musk kolektyw

14 of August '20

For many of us, ice cream is an indispensable item to help us survive the summer heat. Owners of ice cream parlors, in order to stand out in the market, increasingly decide on a distinctive visual brand identity and a consistent interior design of the premises. See how architects from musk kolektyw studio handled the design of the space of another Silesian ice cream shop.

The Gelato Studio ice cream parlor in Siemianowice Slaskie is dominated by the color green, which emphasizes the wall behind the premises' counter and forms the background for the brand's characteristic neon logotype. The colorful wall is decorated with elaborate white geometric patterns. The entire interior is complemented by bright, narrow wooden panels arranged vertically and, as in the wall graphic, diagonally.

w lodziarni Gelato
Studio w Siemianowicach Śląskich króluje kolor zielony

The wall behind the counter is decorated with geometric graphics

© musk collective

A&B: What was the main inspiration for this project?

muskcollective: The main inspiration was the desire for consistency with the already existing Gelato Studio locations and the need for high functionality of the interior, which is practically always filled to the brim with customers during the summer season.

A&B: Where did you get the idea for such a combination of colors, patterns and materials?

musk collective: The color scheme stems from the visual identity of the ice cream shop, which we preserved by incorporating new geometric graphics and oblique detailing of finishing materials.

kolorystyka wnętrza
wynika z identyfikacji wizualnej lodziarni

the color scheme of the interior stems from the visual identity of the ice cream shop

© musk collective

A&B: What gave you the most satisfaction in creating this project, and what was the biggest challenge?

muskkolektyw: The greatest satisfaction comes from the very positive reception of the interior by customers and staff, who spend the most time in it. This has also led us to work on another location for Gelato Studio very soon.

Be sure to check out other ice cream shop projects from musk kolektyw!

elaborated. ed.

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