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A&B media patronage of the Faculty Job Fair for Architecture and Construction at Gdansk University of Technology

17 of May '22

Architecture & Business has taken media patronage of the 1st Faculty Job Fair for the architecture and construction industry, which will be held on May 24 this year, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at the Main Building of the Gdansk University of Technology, in the lobby, level 300.

The event is dedicated to people who want to learn about the specifics of working in the architecture and construction industry. Participants of the fair will be able to learn about current trends and needs of the labor market, including offers of internships, apprenticeships, or jobs, prepared by employers. Conversations with representatives of companies will allow to gather information on the needs and expectations of employers for future employees. Participation in the fair can be an important step in learning about one's career path and opportunities for development in a particular industry.

During the fair, students and graduates will have the opportunity to consult with an entrepreneurial advisor and make an appointment with a career counselor from the Career Bureau.

The fair will host the following companies:

  • Alstal Grupa Budowlana
  • Baskervill
  • Bauhaus
  • Gdansk Development Office
  • Budimex
  • Builder Poland
  • Doraco
  • Ekoinbud
  • Europrojekt Gdańsk S.A.
  • PEKABEX Capital Group
  • Highway Sp. z o.o.
  • Keller Polska Sp. z o. o
  • Mostostal Warszawa S.A.
  • NDI S.A.
  • PERI Polska Sp. z o.o.
  • PORR S.A.
  • Schleifer Milczanowski SIM Architekci
  • YIT Development Sp. z o.o.

The ERGO Hestia Group Foundation for Professional Integration of People with Disabilities Integralia will have its stand during the fair.

Media patronage: Architektura & Biznes and Builder Polska.

The vote has already been cast