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Industrial lightness of being on the Spree riverfront—Cuvry Campus office complex in Berlin

11 of October '24
Technical data
Name: Cuvry Campus / Neuer Spreespeicher
Function: Campus, office space, underground parking
Location: Germany, Berlin, Kreuzberg
Studio: Tchoban Voss Architekten
Investor: Cuvrystrasse 50-51 Berlin GmbH, Gruenwald
Principal architects: Sergei Tchoban (planning); Reinhard Mueller (design).
Project manager:
Philipp Bauer
Design team: Kenan Ozan, Katharina Stranz, Hanna Bulanava, Manuela Peth, René Hoch, Ingo Schwarzweller, Ramona Schwarzweller
Landscape architecture: Kretschmer Tauscher Landschaftsarchitekten Partnergesellschaft mbB, Berlin
Structural engineering:
K+P Ingenieure GmbH, Berlin
Drainage: Mueller Kalchreuth, Planungsgesellschaft fuer Wasserwirtschaft in Berlin mbH, Berlin



Total area: approx. 40,000 m² (above ground),
approx. 9,400 m² (underground)

Cuvry Campus,
designed by Tchoban Voss Architekten

[Material prepared from the studio's author's description]

Berlin, known for its dynamic architecture, is becoming the site of many innovative projects, including modern office campuses such as the Cuvry Campus designed by renowned studio Tchoban Voss Architekten. The building, which harmoniously blends functionality with aesthetics, is distinguished by bright clinker brick facades evocative of Osthafen's industrial history and spacious green courtyards that foster social integration. Its unique form, opening toward the Spree River, and modern approach to sustainability make it an example of modern architecture that also respects the local context.

Nowoczesny kompleks budynków nad brzegiem rzeki o symetrycznej konstrukcji z centralnym przeszklonym korytarzem

A modern building complex on the banks of the river with a symmetrical design and a central glass corridor

Photo: Klemens Renner, © Tchoban Voss Architekten

innovative waterfront design

The approximately 9,800 m² campus plot at Cuvrystrasse 50-51 in Berlin's Kreuzberg is a unique space that combines modern architecture with the charm of its surroundings. Located between the bustling Schlesische Strasse and the tranquil banks of the Spree River, just a few minutes' walk from the Oberbaumbrücke and the East Side Gallery, it becomes an ideal place to work and relax. A mixed-use office campus has been developed here , offering not only work space, but also numerous restaurants, stores and an open green courtyard. It offers a picturesque view of the Osthafen promenade in the Rudolfkiez district, creating an atmosphere conducive to relaxation and inspiration. The entire area was designed by urban planner Reinhard Müller.

Mapa terenu z zaznaczonymi budynkami na czarno i z budynkiem Curvy Campus zaznaczonym na czerwono

Map of the area with the buildings highlighted in black and the Curvy Campus building highlighted in red

Photo: Klemens Renner, © Tchoban Voss Architekten

clinker brick facades—combination of tradition and modernity

The building's structure and facade design directly relate to its location in the former city port area. The bright clinker facades are reminiscent of Osthafen's industrial architecture, taking inspiration from the materials used in the warehouses there. It's a subtle blend of history and modern design that places the building in the context of the site, while giving it a unique, distinctive look.

Widok na kilka wielopiętrowych, nowoczesnych i tradycyjnych budynków wzdłuż brzegu rzeki

A view of several multi-story modern and traditional buildings along the riverbank

Photo: Klemens Renner, © Tchoban Voss Architekten

two wings, one vision
modern complex with arcades

The complex consists of two seven-story buildings that open conically toward the water. Each block is divided into three independent segments. The top floors have a cascading form, giving them a distinctive stepped layout, and long terraces extend along these floors. Facing Schlesische Strasse, a slightly set-back glass building connects the two wings, creating a natural light-filled, spacious and bright lobby where guests enter.

Nowoczesne budynki na nabrzeżu z łączącym je szklanym korytarzem

Modern buildings on the waterfront with a glass corridor connecting them

Photo credit: Klemens Renner, © Tchoban Voss Architekten

Access to both buildings is provided by a staircase and two elevators. The underground parking lot has two separate entrances—one from Schlesische Strasse, the other from Cuvrystrasse. The buildings adjacent to the waterfront can be accessed from both sides through arcades.

Plan architektoniczny parteru Curvy Campus / Neuer Spreespeicher

Architectural plan of the first floor of Curvy Campus / Neuer Spreespeicher

Photo: Klemens Renner, © Tchoban Voss Architekten

sustainable architecture—an eco-friendly approach to campus design

A green courtyard, open to residents and visitors during the day, and a wide public waterfront enrich the quality of life in this space. The building has earned the prestigious DGNB Gold certification, attesting to the highest standard of sustainable construction.

Nowoczesny dziedziniec między dwoma rzędami wysokich ceglanych budynków z brukowanymi ścieżkami i zielonymi roślinami pomiędzy

A modern courtyard between two rows of tall brick buildings with paved paths and green plants between

Photo credit: Klemens Renner, © Tchoban Voss Architekten

the future of campuses in the era of remote work

Campus architecture in Berlin, especially in projects such as the Cuvry Campus, is a prime example of the harmonious combination of modernity, functionality and respect for the historical context of the urban space. The use of sustainable solutions, references to the industrial past, and attention to the integration of green areas with public spaces underscore the importance of architecture in shaping innovative and environmentally friendly spaces. In Berlin, a city that combines tradition and modernity, campuses like this one not only serve the community, but also provide inspiration for future urban design projects.

Compiled by Natalia Ledzianowska

Illustrations provided courtesy of Tchoban Voss Architekten.


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