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Atelier Starzak Strebicki is a studio specializing in architecture, urban planning and design, based in Poznan. The team is led by Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki.
KOTYDŻ. Cottages for free-living cats have been erected in Poznań
Apartment and photography studio in one. How to functionally design a place to live and work?
Philharmonic at the Fair - a revolutionary change in Poznań
Multifunctional Gazebo. A small gesture in the space of Atelier Starzak Strebicki
Wielkopolska nominations - finalists in two competitions: NAWW and J.B. Quadro
Amphilad layout and strong colors in the interiors of an urban atelier in Poznań
White doesn't have to be boring! Interior remodeling project for a house in Poznan
New spaces of the Poznań City Hall. Redesign by Atelier Starzak Strebicki.
A new look for the Animation Theater in Poznan. Interiors designed by Atelier Starzak Strebicki.
"Wall-to-wall furniture" - a way to a cohesive interior from Atelier Starzak Strebicki
Books, coffee and design. New address in Poznan from Atelier Starzak Strebicki
Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki on the profession of architecture, the search for sticking points and the euphoria of creation
Functional social housing in Belgium. Competition design by Atelier Starzak Strebicki.
Architecture for Breakfast. Jola Starzak in the next episode of the program Awakenings
When children help in design - remodeling the interior of a school. Project Atelier Starzak Strebicki
Atelier Starzak Strebicki and BudCud among seven young European studios selected by New Generations
Progress on the construction of a Belgian school designed by Atelier Starzak Strebicki, Carton123 architecten and Natural Born Architects
Little botanist's zone - design concept by Atelier Starzak Strebicki
Jolanta Starzak on cultural business
David Strębicki on favorite books about architecture and more
Black and white interior from Atelier Starzak Strebicki
House by the Lake from Atelier Starzak Strebicki
An oasis of greenery in the courtyard of Poznań City Hall - Atelier Starzak Strebicki
A platform that makes lighting design as simple as never before
Internal hydrant DN52 ECO - modern fire protection by Boxmet Ltd. Ltd.
Cyber threats and protection for architecture firms