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Villa Rhoēs - underground architecture as a natural fusion of tradition and modernity

26 of September '24
Technical data
name: RHOĒS
function: HOUSE, PENSION.
studio: Sinas Architects
chief architect: GEORGE SINAS
project team:




  • implementation


usable area: 390 m² (MAIN HOUSE OF 300 m², PENSION HOUSE OF 90 m²).

Rhoēs House ,
design: Sinas Architecture

[Material prepared from the studio's author's description]

Rhoēs, designed by {tag:pracownie}, is a subterranean complex consisting of a 300 sq. m. main house and a 90 sq. m. guesthouse, carefully integrated into the rocky landscape of the rural outskirts of the island of Serifos. The plot is characterized by steep slopes overgrown with wild thorny shrubs, highlighting the harmonious combination of modern, hidden architecture and raw, natural scenery.

Willa wtapia się w dramatyczny, skalisty krajobraz wyspy, pozwalając widokom na ocean stać się główną atrakcją

The villa blends into the island's dramatic, rocky landscape, allowing the ocean views to become the main attraction

© Studio Taf

nature and underground architecture - a marriage of tradition and modernity

Sinas Architects, known for their award-winning Xerolithi Villa, which won the title of Rural House of the Year according to Dezeen in 2021, are experimenting with designs inscribed into the hillside. In the Rhoēs project, they develop the concept of an undulating stone wall, creating a building that blends harmoniously into the surrounding landscape. The design meets all functional requirements while framing breathtaking ocean views. A key design goal was to integrate the building with its natural surroundings.

Rhoēs łączy tradycyjne elementy cykladzkie z nowoczesną elegancją, tworząc harmonijną i dyskretną rezydencję

Rhoēs combines traditional Cycladic elements with modern elegance to create a harmonious and discreet residence

© Studio Taf

villa in symbiosis with the landscape

The building subtly blends into the landscape, allowing the views to become the main attraction. The landscape around and above the house was carefully restored to its original state after construction. Only the main facade and the long gaps in the ground at the back are visible, allowing air to circulate and providing natural light to the interiors. To blend the house perfectly into the existing ground, a notch was made in a straight line where the building's ceiling transitions into a thin exterior canopy.

In the authors' words:

We precisely integrated the house into the site, pressing it under the existing ground. It is a distinct design that blends into the landscape rather than contrasting with it.

Willa Rhoēs zachowuje subtelną obecność w krajobrazie dzięki precyzyjnemu wkomponowaniu konstrukcji pod ziemię

Villa Rhoēs maintains a subtle presence in the landscape by precisely incorporating the structure underground

© Studio Taf

materials from nature
- stone as the foundation of the design

Beneath the canopy, the facade is made of stone masonry, obtained mainly from excavations on the plot. The stone not only connects the building to nature, but gives it a traditional and austere character. The wavy form of the stonework introduces a sense of lightness, resembling fabric swept by the wind. The movement creates interesting indentations and niches on the veranda, generating interesting shadows.

Kamienna fasada Rhoēs, zbudowana z lokalnych materiałów, tworzy dynamiczny efekt przypominający falującą wstęgę.

The stone facade of Rhoēs, built with local materials, creates a dynamic effect reminiscent of a wavy ribbon

© Studio Taf

The stone facade flows seamlessly into the dry-stone walls at the edge of the plot, and the undulating surface of the veranda, around the circular pool, creates the illusion of flowing water.

Weranda z okrągłym basenem imituje efekt spływającej wody, wprowadzając ruch i lekkość do przestrzeni zewnętrznej willi Rhoēs

A veranda with a circular pool mimics the effect of flowing water, bringing movement and lightness to the outdoor space of Villa Rhoēs

© Studio Taf

Rhoēs, which means stream, fluidity or flow in Greek, reflects the house's unique connection to its surroundings. The end result is a design that exudes elegance, appropriating traditional Cycladic elements to create a remarkable harmony with the picturesque landscape.

Willa Rhoēs na wyspie Serifos - widok wnętrza

Villa Rhoēs on the island of Serifos - interior view

© Studio Taf

Elaborated: Anastazja Dżupina

Illustrations provided courtesy of Sinas Architecture & Studio Taf.

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