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Vāstu śāstra, or SOM's biophilic skyscraper design according to ancient principles in Sanskrit

22 of October '24
Technical data




studios: Skidmore, Owings and Merrill


  • design
  • implementation

total area:

17500 m²

Carmichael high-rise residential building,
designed by Skidmore Owings & Merrill (SOM)

[Material prepared from the studio's author description]

American architectural firm Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM) has designed a modern residential complex in Mumbai, one of India's largest cities. The skyscraper, located in the Tardeo district, creates the impression of a natural oasis, combining innovative technologies with traditional architectural principles.

21-piętrowy wieżowiec mieszkalny Carmichael harmonijnie wpisuje się w otaczający krajobraz Tardeo

The 21-story Carmichael residential skyscraper blends harmoniously into the surrounding landscape of Tardeo

photo by Ekansh Goel © Studio Recall

skyscraper in Tardeo district

The building's location in the village, known for its historic bungalows and extensive gardens, responds to the growing demand for high-rise apartments. The 21-story building is finished with high-performance, fully-open glazing.

Wieżowiec mieszkalny Carmichael wyróżnia się zielonymi przestrzeniami na dolnych piętrach, gdzie bujna roślinność harmonijnie współgra z nowoczesną architekturą

The Carmichael residential high-rise is distinguished by green spaces on the lower floors, where lush vegetation harmoniously blends with the modern architecture

photo by Ekansh Goel © Studio Recall

Each facade of the building is protected by deep white eaves, known locally as chhajjas, which protect residents from the intense sun and monsoon rains. Wooden sliding red cedar doors open up the terraces of each apartment, allowing free flow of air and views of the Arabian Sea. When closed, they provide privacy and protection from inclement weather.

Drewniane przesuwane drzwi z czerwonego cedru wieżowca mieszkalnego Carmichael pozwalają na swobodny przepływ powietrza, tworząc komfortowe i funkcjonalne przestrzenie

The wooden sliding red cedar doors of the Carmichael residential tower allow air to flow freely, creating comfortable and functional spaces

Ar. Ekansh Goel © Studio Recall

biophilic design in action

The principle of biophilic design, which aims to create spaces that harmonize with nature, is evident in many elements of the skyscraper. The term "biophilia," meaning "love of nature," expresses the innate human need for contact with nature. Biophilic design not only enriches the aesthetics of the environment, but also brings health and mental benefits.

Widok na dolne piętra wieżowca mieszkalnego Carmichael ukazuje, jak zieleń splata się z architekturą

A view of the lower floors of the Carmichael residential high-rise shows how green intertwines with architecture

photo by Ekansh Goel © Studio Recall

The building's lobby, surrounded by rounded glass walls, has been integrated into gardens full of flowers, streams, lush vegetation and finished in local granite and red cedar. This green oasis provides residents with a refuge from the city's hustle and bustle.

Lobby wieżowca mieszkalnego Carmichael łączy elementy architektury i natury

The lobby of the Carmichael residential high-rise combines elements of architecture and nature

photo by Ekansh Goel © Studio Recall

The greenery also extends to the parking levels, where plants hang freely from the chhajjas, providing additional protection from the sun and rain.

Zaokrąglone szklane ściany oraz drewniane wykończenia podjazdu, podkreślają nowoczesny charakter wieżowca mieszkalnego Carmichael

The rounded glass walls and wooden finishes of the driveway, enhance the modern character of the Carmichael high-rise residential building

Photo by Ekansh Goel © Studio Recall

Our approach combines comfort with ecology. We moved the greenery from Carmichael Road to the building's interior, creating a space that is both open and intimate

- explains Peter Lefkovits, chief designer of SOM

green space
and ecological approach

The recreation floor, located above the parking lots, houses a gym, garden and outdoor yoga terrace. The roof of the building houses a swimming pool and photovoltaic panels that power the building's technical facilities. All of the greenery is rainwater irrigated, which is part of the green objectives, and supports the pursuit of Green Homes certification from the Green Building Council of India.

Siłownia i taras do jogi na piętrze rekreacyjnym wieżowca mieszkalnego Carmichael oferują mieszkańcom miejsce do relaksu i aktywności w otoczeniu naturalnej zieleni, wspierając ekologiczny charakter budynku

A gym and yoga terrace on the recreation floor of the Carmichael residential high-rise offers residents a place to relax and be active surrounded by natural greenery, supporting the building's green credentials

Photo by Ekansh Goel © Studio Recall

We designed the building as a vertical landscape, taking inspiration from the biophilic nature of Carmichael Road. The priority was to maximize airflow and provide the flexibility needed for comfort in a tropical climate

- says Laura Ettelman, a partner at SOM.

Dach wieżowca mieszkalnego Carmichael mieści basen oraz panele fotowoltaiczne, wprowadzając zrównoważone rozwiązania, które wspierają dążenie do neutralności klimatycznej

The roof of the Carmichael residential tower houses a swimming pool and photovoltaic panels, introducing sustainable solutions that support the move toward climate neutrality

Photo by Ekansh Goel © Studio Recall

vāstu śāstra - back to the roots

In its design, SOM referred to the ancient principles of vāstu śāstra, which in Sanskrit means "science of architecture." The principles of vāstu śāstra, based on ancient texts, govern the design, space planning, measurement and organization of buildings in a way that harmonizes with nature. In practice, this is expressed in the use of symmetry, precise orientation of buildings, and geometric patterns to promote balance and prosperity.

Zaokrąglone szklane ściany oraz drewniane wykończenia podjazdu, podkreślają nowoczesny charakter wieżowca mieszkalnego Carmichael

The rounded glass walls and wooden finishes of the driveway, emphasize the modern character of the Carmichael high-rise residential building

Photo by Ekansh Goel © Studio Recall

The modern high-rise was built according to these principles, emphasizing symmetry in the layout of the apartments. The center of each apartment is a common space, and the entrances were placed on the east side, which, according to tradition, is supposed to promote health and prosperity. All 28 apartments, located on the top 14 floors, are designed in an open layout with the possibility of combining spaces to suit the needs of the residents.

Widok z okien wieżowca mieszkalnego Carmichael oferuje mieszkańcom panoramę na Mumbaj

The view from the windows of the Carmichael residential tower offers residents a panoramic view of Mumbai

Photo by Ekansh Goel © Studio Recall

and carbon neutrality

SOM's team of architects, designers, engineers and urban planners consistently strives to reduce the environmental impact of construction. The studio has achieved a net zero carbon footprint, reaffirming their commitment to sustainable solutions, and the Mumbai skyscraper is another example of their climate neutrality efforts.

Elaborated: Anastazja Dżupina

Illustrations provided courtesy of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill studio

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