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It's time to renovate the headquarters of SARP Krakow Branch!

02 of July '24

SARP Krakow Branch is planning to take care of the meeting space for architects and architecture lovers this summer, and is appealing for help to make it happen. "With your support we can do anything!" - assures Magdalena Buczyńska-Zapała, president of the branch.

Since October 1999, the Cracow branch of the Association of Polish Architects has been operating in a small premises in a tenement at 6 Szczepanski Square. The Przechodnia Tenement, in the first floor of which the SARP Cracow Branch has its headquarters, was built in the first decade of the 20th century according to a design by Władysław Hanisz. The building has been on the register of historical monuments since 1984.

wnętrze Galerii SARP przy placu Szczepańskim w Krakowie

Interior of the SARP Gallery at Szczepanski Square in Krakow

© SARP Krakow Branch

The space the Association has at its disposal is small. In accordance with the electoral declarations of the branch president, it will be renovated.

I aim to make the SARP Gallery at Szczepanski Square appear on the map of Krakow as a place to promote architecture, cultural activities related to urban space - debates, exhibitions, lectures. I also plan that with the support of partners, the premises will be given a new standard adequate to its function," Magdalena Buczyńska-Zapała announced in an interview with A&B in March.

The association has already obtained a conservation permit and a building permit for the renovation.

Themodernization-including enlargement of the exhibition space, lighting and sanitary facilities-will allow for professional lectures and exhibitions. We want the renovated headquarters to become a showcase of the Association, meeting functional and aesthetic standards, an even better Place for discussions, meetings, workshops - a space for everyone to whom Architecture is close ," explains the president of the Krakow branch of the Association.

For this to happen, however, funds are needed. Hence the idea to ask all architecture lovers for financial support - contributions in the form of donations.

wnętrze Galerii SARP przy placu Szczepańskim w Krakowie

Interior of the SARP Gallery at Szczepanski Square in Krakow

© SARP Krakow Branch

We would like to make a huge request to support our project. Any financial help will be invaluable, even small contributions will contribute to the success of the investment, " appeals the president of the branch.

Transfer details:

Association of Polish Architects Cracow Branch
Plac Szczepański 6, 31-011 Kraków
Account no: 44 2490 0005 0000 4600 8550 5328
Transfer title: donation for statutory purposes of SARP

We hope to meet in the renovated spaces at Szczepanski Square this fall!

compiled by: Ola Kloc

The vote has already been cast