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CONSOLIS Polska Sp. z o.o.
CONSOLIS Poland manufactures prefabricated concrete elements such as prestressed - hollow core floor slabs HC, prestressed - hollow core floor slabs TT, prestressed - solid floor slabs KL, reinforced and prestressed beams and girders, reinforced or prestressed columns, single and multi-layered wall elements, foundation footings, stairs, girders, elements of the system of industrial prefabricated halls, other prefabricated elements - individually designed.
he technology of prefabricated reinforced concrete is still being intensively developed in many countries. New products are being developed, materials, construction solutions, methods of design, production, management of the investment process are being improved. Due to its membership in the CONSOLIS Group - the largest precast manufacturer in Europe, CONSOLIS Polska has access to the latest technologies and the ability to quickly implement them also on the Polish market.
CONSOLIS Polska designers can work together as consultants or independently develop a full design of a prefabricated building structure. We benefit from the design experience of all countries in which we are present. We provide standards, guaranteeing comparably low construction costs as well as high durability, ease of installation in almost any conditions and fulfillment of performance characteristics not achievable in other types of construction.
The location of the plants makes it possible to ensure safe, smooth and frequent deliveries, to construction sites throughout Poland as well as outside our country. This significantly contributes to shortening the construction time and taking advantage of the advantages of using prefabricated solutions. We provide delivery of prefabricated elements to the construction site at the customer's request. Elements are delivered from production plants by wheeled transport. Standard elements: slabs as well as beams and columns up to 12m long and weighing up to 24t are transported by typical semi-trailers. Non-standard elements, such as hall girders with spans of up to 40m, walls or prefabricated elements weighing up to 40t, are transported by specially adapted vehicles. The frequency of deliveries depends on the needs of the construction site. The limitation of the dimensions of transported elements is the road gauge (with regard to walls, this limits their height to about 4m). Constant supervision over the continuity and safety of deliveries is exercised by the Logistics Department of Consolis Poland.
The use of prefabricated structures significantly reduces the construction time compared to monolithic solutions. Our priority in the assembly works carried out, is to ensure the safety of all people working on the site. At the request of the client, we develop a project of assembly technology and a BIOZ plan. We are able to handle assembly in extreme weather conditions. By coordinating the delivery of elements and the work of assembly teams, we can offer "assembly from the wheels". This solution is particularly valuable on construction sites where there is no room for assembling elements, and short assembly time is also important.