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Prof. Zofia Nowakowska has died

20 of May '24

Professor Zofia Nowakowska (née Kamienska), a prominent figure in Polish architecture and a respected lecturer, passed away on May 16, 2024. Her death and funeral ceremony were announced by her family.

Professor Zofia Now akowska was born in Lviv in 1931. She associated her professional activity with the Cracow University of Technology. She served as Head of the Department of Residential Architecture and Deputy Director of the Institute of Architectural Design. She was also an active participant in international architectural programs and initiated cooperation between universities in Krakow, Lviv and Venice. Her contribution to the development of contemporary architecture and urban planning was invaluable.

She also lectured at the Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts of the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Academy in Cracow. She was a member of the Commission of Urban Planning and Architecture of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow, as well as the City and Provincial Commission of Urban Planning and Architecture. She was also involved in the activities of the Association of Polish Architects (SARP), where she was a member of the Competition Judging Board.

Zofia Nowakowska była współautorką założenia Miasteczka Studenckiego AGH

Zofia Nowakowska was a co-author of the establishment of the AGH Student Town

Photo: Krk4Ever | © Wikimedia Commons CC BY 3.0

For her outstanding creative and scientific achievements, Professor Nowakowska has been honored many times. She received, among others, the Honorary Award of SARP (1996), the Knight's Cross Polonia Restituta, the Gold Cross of Merit, the Medal of the Commission of National Education, the Medal of "Merit to the Cracow University of Technology" and the Cracow Academy Medal.

Zofia Nowakowska was the author and co-author of numerous projects and scientific papers. She cooperated with Tomasz Mańkowski in the construction of the AGH Student Town or the Jagiellonian University's Polonia College in Przegorzaly. Her achievements and commitment to the education of future generations of architects will remain long in the memory of her students and colleagues.

The funeral mass and burial will be held on May 23, 2024 (Thursday) at 12:20 pm at the Rakowicki Cemetery in Cracow.

compiled by Wiktor Bochenek

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