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The future of architectural design lies in inclusive design

27 of June '24
w skrócie
  1. The NeuroDiver - Comfort Space LAB project was presented at Lodz Design Festival 2024 in May.
  2. The team composed of: Zuzanna Bogucka, Katarzyna (Kaja) Sentycz, Dominika Zawojska-Kuriata and
    Irek Kuriata prepared an experimental-educational exhibition where visitors had a chance to experience how neuroatypical people perceive the environment around them and the complementary NeuroDiver Toolkit, or Neuroinclusive Toolbox.
  3. The exhibition consisted of: Experimental Zone, Comfort Zone and Inclusion Zone.
  4. Taking neurodiversity into account in architectural design translates into predicting user responses to design solutions.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the home page of the AiB portal

How do neuroatypical people experience the world? What is important and what is difficult when interacting with the built environment? How can their perspective be brought to architects(k)s and design professionals more broadly? Can design decisions enhance neuroatypical people's sense of security and belonging?

It was the above questions that became the axis of the work on the NeuroDiver - Comfort Space LAB project, presented in May at the Łódź Design Festival 2024. As part of this event, our team prepared two initiatives: an exhibition, which is a de facto experimental-educational space, where visitors had a chance to experience how neuroatypical people perceive the environment around them, and a complementary NeuroDiver Toolkit, or Neuroinclusive Toolbox.

wystawa podczas Łódź Design Festival 2024

Exhibition during Łódź Design Festival 2024

© NeuroDiver-Comfort Space LAB team

The world designed for the "majority" can sometimes be difficult to perceive, and is sometimes even inaccessible to neuroatypical people. Reverberation, sounds made by electrical appliances (e.g., fluorescent lights and some LEDs, air conditioning), rough seat upholstery, chairs placed too close together, lights that are too bright, even though they are within the building standards for the type of room, bright
and expressive patterns on floors and walls, illegibility of spaces and unpredictability of social situations can effectively deprive neuroatypical people of their comfort in public spaces. These seemingly trivial barriers (and many others) can lead to overstimulation, which manifests itself in strong physiological and psychological reactions in neuroatypical people. This, in turn, hinders their use of public spaces and available services, and often takes away their ability to participate in society.

wystawa NeuroDiver — Comfort Space LAB podczas Łódź Design Festival 2024 Jak często cechy i elementy środowiska wyprowadzają Cię ze strefy komfortu?

NeuroDiver - Comfort Space LAB exhibition during Łódź Design Festival 2024.

© NeuroDiver-Comfort Space LAB team

what are neuroatypicality and neurodiversity?

The term neuroatypicality refers to an atypical way of functioning of the nervous system, which is the biological basis for various disorders. It can be genetically determined, result from neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g. ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, ADD, dyslexia, dysorthography, dyscalculia and dyspraxia), it can be the result of neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, dementia) or acquired diseases (e.g. causing disorders of the vagus nerve, which determines the ability to maintain balance). It's also important to remember that many people have no formal diagnosis, so they face difficulties on a daily basis without being aware of their causes or knowing how to help themselves.

Strefa Doświadczalna wystawiała odbiorców na intensywne i różnorodne bodźce zmysłowe

The Experimental Zone exposed the audience to intense and varied sensory stimuli

© NeuroDiver-Comfort Space LAB team

Neurodiversity, on the other hand, is a term for the variation in neurocognitive profiles across the population. This means that people differ in terms of perception, communication, response to stimuli, concentration of attention, ways of learning and processing information, or responses to social situations. These characteristics of individuals in the population are dynamic and can change over time, for example, as a result of an event such as a brain injury, trauma, illness, stroke, age-related condition or change in mental health.

Based on scientific research on the functioning of neuroatypical people, we created an educational and experimental space to introduce visitors to the experiences of neuroatypical people in relation to their surrounding environment, on the one hand, and on the other hand, to show what means can be used to ensure comfort and optimal levels of arousal.

space of experiences and experiments

The exhibition space itself consisted of three parts. The Experimental Zone exposed viewers to intense and varied sensory stimuli. It was meant to mimic situations where, with prolonged exposure, the overstimulation experienced by neuroatypical people occurs.

Strefa Doświadczalna miała imitować sytuacje, w których przy dłuższej ekspozycji dochodzi do przestymulowania, jakiego doświadczają osoby neuroatypowe Strefa Doświadczalna

The Experimental Zone was meant to mimic situations in which, with prolonged exposure, the overstimulation experienced by neuroatypical individuals occurs

© NeuroDiver-Comfort Space LAB team

TheComfort Zone allowed trying out different methods of regulating the level of arousal (e.g., relieving tension or negative arousal in movement, satisfying the need to isolate oneself or, on the contrary, to be with others).

Strefa Komfortu, która pozwala wypróbować różne metody regulowania poziomu pobudzenia

Comfort Zone to try out different methods of regulating arousal levels

© NeuroDiver-Comfort Space LAB team

The third part, the Integration Zone, was a space for exchanging ideas and sharing impressions and reflections on neurodiversity. It was there, at a common table, that we presented the first version of the NeuroDiver Toolkit - the Neuroinclusion Toolbox. This tool, based on scientific knowledge, is designed to assist designers in their search for creative solutions that address the needs and functioning of neuroatypical people.

At the same time, the exhibition was a social and design experiment. To see how the means we used affect the audience, we conducted a survey among visitors. Its results will allow us to verify the initial assumptions and improve the next iterations of the exhibition, including the virtual version, to increase its educational value.

inclusive design

Taking neuroatypicality and, more broadly, neurodiversity into account in architectural design translates into anticipating users' reactions to design solutions. In a nutshell, this can be boiled down to the question: how will users of a given space react to its various elements on two dimensions: on the positive-negative axis, and whether they find it stimulating or calming. These questions help determine the potential level of comfort felt by users, which has a direct impact on the ability to use a given space and the perceived sense of security. When the stress or discomfort caused by a reaction to stimuli from the environment is too high, it can become an insurmountable barrier and consequently exclude such a person from using a given public space.

Of course, capturing and understanding all the effects potentially exerted on neuroatypical people by elements of the designed environment is no small challenge, especially since this social group is heterogeneous. Therefore, the second factor detailed in our Neuroinclusive Toolkit, is to ensure flexibility and the ability for all users of a given space to benefit from self-regulation.

NeuroDiver Toolkit, czyli Przybornik Neuroinkluzywny

NeuroDiver Toolkit, or Neuroinclusive Toolbox

© NeuroDiver-Comfort Space LAB Team

Currently, the NeuroDiver Comfort Space LAB project is entering its second phase of implementation - a workshop using the NeuroDiver Toolkit and a virtual version of the exhibition to be explored through VR technology. The NeuroDiver Workshops are primarily intended for interior design students. They will be held as part of a public space design or interior architecture design studio. Their goal is to learn how to design inclusive public spaces that take into account the neurodiversity of users. The workshops start in October 2024. Universities from all over Poland are invited to participate.

We believe that the future of architectural design lies in inclusive design, which has one overarching goal - to enhance the sense of belonging of all people across the spectrum of their diversity, while providing optimal functioning conditions builds a sense of safety and comfort and supports participation in public life.

NeuroDiver-Comfort Space LAB team

Zuzanna Bogucka
Katarzyna (Kaja) Sentycz
Dominika Zawojska-Kuriata
Irek Kuriata (visual identification of the project)

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