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Nebula at the Burning Man festival in Nevada—a mycorrhiza of form and ideas.... mushrooms, the American way

10 of October '24
Technical data
Name: Nebula Shroom Grove
Function: performance art, installation
Location: USA,
Studio: Understory
Chief Architect: Silvia Rueda
Design team: Ana María Ortiz, Lina Castaneda, Silvia Rueda


  • implementation


Nebula Shroom Grove,

[Material prepared on the basis of the studio's author's description]

Burning Man's architecture is reminiscent of a vision from Stanislaw Bareja's cult film "Teddy Bear," in which absurdity and creativity intertwine in an unusual way. The Nebula Shroom Grove project, created by Colombian architecture studio Understory, was born out of a desire to explore connectivity and community, alluding to the human experience of loneliness and belonging. In the context of Burning Man 2024's theme, "Curioser and Curioser," the studio designed a space that inspires curiosity and invites exploration.

Drewniane konstrukcje w kształcie grzybów na pustyni na tle gór w Newadzie

Mushroom-shaped wooden structures in the desert against a backdrop of mountains in Nevada

Photo credit: Kristina Chan, © Understory

architecture as an artistic experience

The idea for the project was born several years ago, even before our first visit to Burning Man. We are a group of architects and designers who have always admired the freedom of creativity and expression that Burning Man offers to artists and participants. After attending the event in 2023, we understood what kind of art and experience we wanted to offer. That's why we decided to apply for the 2024 grant program with the Nebula project.

- say the creators.

Pustynna scena o zachodzie słońca z drewnianymi konstrukcjami, sylwetkami postaci i zaparkowanymi rowerami otoczonymi mgłą

A desert scene at sunset with wooden structures, silhouetted figures and parked bicycles surrounded by fog

Photo credit: Kristina Chan, © Understory

biophilic design on the desert

The Nebula Shroom Grove concept was born out of our art collective's shared desire to explore themes of connectivity, community and a deep-rooted interdependence with nature. Inspired by personal experiences of loneliness and the search for belonging, the project demonstrates the parallel between human communities and nature's hidden networks, much like the mycorrhiza - a fungus that connects plant roots and ecosystems underground. This metaphor became the basis for creating a space that fosters genuine human connections, reinforces a sense of unity and prompts reflection on how deeply we are all connected.

Drewaniana instalacja ze świecącym pomarańczowym i czerwonym światłem na tle rozgwieżdżonego nocnego nieba

Wooden installation with glowing orange and red light against a starry night sky

Photo credit: Kristina Chan, © Understory

Burning Man 2024's theme, "Curioser and Curioser," encouraged the exploration of the theme of curiosity, and that's what Nebula Shroom Grove is all about. It's a space designed to inspire a desire to explore and evoke awe. We wanted people entering the installation to feel like they were in another world, like in a mysterious forest or admiring the stars. It's not just a visual experience - it's also about exploring human relationships, which fits perfectly with the theme. One of our most touching moments was seeing a group of people sitting in a circle, having a great time, sharing stories and establishing new relationships.

- say the authors.

Kolorowa, oświetlona instalacja w nocy z ludźmi stojącymi wokół niej i neonowym napisem

A colorful, illuminated installation at night with people standing around it and a neon sign

Photo credit: Kristina Chan, © Understory

temporary architecture - a space conducive to creating community

Colombian culture is in our DNA. We brought into the design that South American, community spirit and sense of warmth and closenessthat are so important in Colombian life. Colombians are deeply connected to community and family, which is perfectly reflected in the Nebula Shroom Grove - a space where people can come together, share experiences and feel a sense of belonging. In addition, the organic design of the installation captures the lush, natural beauty of Colombia, which is our way of connecting our cultural roots with an international audience at Burning Man.

- say the creators

Okrągłe drewniane konstrukcje na pustyni ze świecącym pomarańczowo-czerwonym światłem

Round wooden napustni structures with glowing orange-red light

Photo credit: Kristina Chan, © Understory

child-friendly design

The Colombian studio is eager to continue exploring the connections between art, architecture, design and community. It wants to create immersive installations that make people feel connected and part of something bigger, especially in a world where so many of us crave authentic human contact. After Burning Man Nebula moved to Tucson, Arizona, where she will have another life in a place called "Second Sky," a space designed for children, where she will continue to foster interpersonal relationships and build a strong community around her.

Grupa ludzi energicznie pozujących na dużej, wielowarstwowej drewnianej konstrukcji w pustynnej scenerii z czystym błękitnym niebem

A group of people energetically posing on a large, tiered wooden structure in a desert setting with a clear blue sky

Photo credit: Kristina Chan, © Understory

Nebula Shroom Grove "responds to the vital needs of society as a whole."

Understory's architectural studio, like in the iconic Bareja film "Teddy Bear," seeks to combine elements of fantasy with reality - without a "set-up," of course. Nebula Shroom Grove is a manifesto of this philosophy, combining artistic expression with a message of community and cooperation. After all, in architecture, as in life, it's better to build bridges than walls, and like in the movies, it doesn't hurt to add a little creativity! Because who said architecture can't be fun?

Elaborated: Natalia Ledzianowska

Illustrations provided courtesy of Understory studio

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