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Pelgulinn Middle School melted into the forest - Estonia's largest wooden educational facility

02 of October '24
Technical data

Pelgulinna Riigigümnaasium (PERG)

location: KOLDE PST 67, PELGULINN, , Estonia.
studios: Architekt Must
interior architecture: PINK
landscape architecture: KINO MAASTIKUARHITEKTID
project manager: OLAVI OTTAS
electrical works: ITK INSENERIBÜROO
fire safety: TULIPUNANE
main materials of the building: wood


  • project
  • implementation

total area: 8 273 m²

Middle school in Pelgulinn district, Tallinn,
design: Arhitekt Must

[material prepared from the author's description of the studio].

Pelgulinna Riigigümnaasium (PERG) is a middle school located on the edge of Merimetsa forest in Pelgulinn, a district of Tallinn. The design of the educational facility, developed by the {tag:pracownie} studio, was selected through a competition. The architects' vision was to create one of the largest wooden facilities in Estonia.

A vision of modern environmental education - environmentally friendly construction

The building harmoniously integrates modern solutions with the surrounding nature, creating a harmonious space conducive to learning and development. The idea for the construction of a wooden school was already born in the regulations of an architectural competition aimed at creating a facility specializing in environmental education. The building was to demonstrate the possibilities of environmentally friendly construction, minimizing the negative impact on the environment.

Drewniana elewacja Pelgulinna State Secondary School odzwierciedla symbiozę nowoczesnej architektury z naturalnym otoczeniem lasu Merimetsa

The wooden facade of Pelgulinna State Secondary School reflects the symbiosis of modern architecture with the natural surroundings of the Merimetsa forest

Photo: Tõnu Tunnel © Arhitekt Must

Architecture in symbiosis with the landscape - a marriage of wooden architecture and nature

The school's location on the edge of the Merimetsa forest creates a gateway between urban space and natural surroundings. The building, the landscape and the forest engage in a mutually supportive dialogue, creating an integrated whole that sometimes intermingles. In addition to the outdoor learning opportunities, this connection can also occur through the aesthetics of the materials used - the wood on the facade lives a life of its own and will turn gray over time.

Widok na Pelgulinna State Secondary School z lotu ptaka

A bird's-eye view of Pelgulinna State Secondary School - Arhitekt Must's premise was to create one of the largest wooden buildings in Estonia

Photo: Tõnu Tunnel © Arhitekt Must

A microcosm of education - a permeation of zones at Pelgulinna Secondary School

The building is designed to accommodate 1080 students and 120 teachers. It is like a small world in a nutshell - like a city with its own streets, spacious squares, views and symbolic attributes that provide users with an inspiring environment conducive to learning not only in classrooms, but also in various other places, both inside and outside.

Widok z lotu ptaka na Pelgulinna State Secondary School, zaprojektowaną przez Arhitekt Must

A bird's-eye view of Pelgulinna State Secondary School, designed by Arhitekt Must - the building's minimalist composition consists of harmoniously arranged square blocks that fit perfectly into the surrounding landscape, while creating a modern and functional educational space

Photo: Tõnu Tunnel © Arhitekt Must

natural interior elements
conducive to interaction

The role of the central interior plaza is played by a wooden staircase on three levels, mimicking the natural hillside and connecting all floors into a single unit.

Schody w Pelgulinna State Secondary School, zaprojektowane przez pracownię Arhitekt Must, łączą wszystkie piętra w spójną całość, naśladując naturalne zbocza terenu

The staircase at Pelgulinna State Secondary School, designed by Arhitekt Must studio, connects all floors into a cohesive whole, mimicking the natural slopes of the land

Photo: Tõnu Tunnel © Arhitekt Must

The irregular form encourages creative use of this space - for learning, communication or hosting larger events.

Pelgulinna State Secondary School na skraju lasu parku Merimetsa w Estonii, zaprojektowana przez Arhitekt Must

first floor plan

© Arhitekt Must

Pelgulinna Riigigümnaasium wood architecture

Wood was used in the widest and most varied way possible. In addition to acting as a load-bearing structure, it was used to create smooth benches, perforated acoustic panels and a delicate balustrade.

Różnorodne wykorzystanie drewna w budynku, od akustycznych paneli po estetyczne detale, ukazuje jego wszechstronność i elegancję

The various uses of wood in the building, from acoustic panels to aesthetic details, show its versatility and elegance

Photo: Tõnu Tunnel © Arhitekt Must

The façade is also an important element - the wooden lattice acts as a sun control and creates a landscape for benches and nooks along the building. The lattice, nearly a meter deep, helps break down the rigid boundaries between the inside and outside of the school.

Drewniana krata projektu Arhitekt Must otaczająca budynek podkreśla jego naturalny charakter, a także tworzy dynamiczną grę światła i cienia Drewniana krata na elewacji nie tylko pełni funkcję estetyczną, ale także skutecznie reguluje nasłonecznienie, tworząc przyjemną atmosferę zarówno wewnątrz, jak i na zewnątrz budynku

The wooden trellis designed by Arhitekt Must surrounding the building emphasizes its natural character, and creates a dynamic play of light and shadow - it not only serves an aesthetic function, but also effectively regulates the sunlight, creating a pleasant atmosphere both inside and outside the building

Photo: Tõnu Tunnel © Arhitekt Must

Pelgulinn Gymnasium's exhibition alley
- art and nature in one

In the outdoor area, space has also been designed for a variety of artistic and creative activities. Along the main avenue is an open-air gallery where students have the opportunity to transform the surrounding landscape each year through their projects, including exhibitions.

Widok na minimalistyczny plac przy Pelgulinna State Secondary School z lotu ptaka

A bird's-eye view of the minimalist plaza at Pelgulinna State Secondary School

Photo: Tõnu Tunnel © Arhitekt Must

It has to be said that the north makes great use of wood, creating architecture even at the edge of the forest, though not necessarily in completely abandoned places.

Elaborated: Anastazja Dżupina

Illustrations provided courtesy of Arhitekt Must studio.

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