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Marika Aleksanyan - "Adaptation of a high-rise building of the Alfa complex in Poznań for a student house".

26 of August '24
Technical data
Type: master's thesis
Year of defense: 2023

Marika Aleksanyan

Wydział Architektury Politechniki Poznańskiej
Dr. Barbara Linowiecka

Work submitted for the competition
"Best Interior Diploma".

The subject of the study is a twelve-story building of collective residence for students, which is located in Poznań at the intersection of Święty Marcin and Gwarna Streets, part of the Alfa department store.

wizualizacja recepcji

visualization of the reception area

© Marika Aleksanyan

The scope of the study includes a new functional-spatial division consisting of a residential area for students, common areas in the building and the concept of color solutions, furnishings and lighting.

wizualizacja kuchni

visualization of the kitchen

© Marika Aleksanyan

justification for the choice of topic

The progressive migration to large centers and the growing demands of successive generations of students in terms of the conditions in which they live, work and spend their leisure time create a gap in the supply of modern housing solutions, which prompted me to create an eclectic redefinition of the student house that is the subject of this work.wizualizacja łazienki

visualization of the bathroom

© Marika Aleksanyan

The Alfa complex is located in the heart of Poznań; after modernization, Święty Marcin Street is an artery at the junction of the Old Market, Jeżyce and the center. It combines a city that has many faces into a cohesive yet intriguing center that invites you to explore and discover. It corresponds to the multidirectional demands of students for comfortable access to universities, libraries, office space, public transportation, in order to realize themselves professionally, and in the evenings to enjoy the wealth of dining services, cultural centers and participate in the social life of the city.

wizualizacja pokoju dla pary

visualization of a room for a couple

© Marika Aleksanyan

It's hard to imagine a more attractive space for a young person who studies, works, indulges passions, meets with friends and doesn't want to feel confined, confined within the confines of an estate on the periphery.

wizualizacja pokoju jednoosobowego

visualization of a single room

© Marika Aleksanyan

purpose and scope of work

The purpose of the work is to design: the interior of the student housing building in compliance with all legal acts and respect for the historical context of the architectural fabric; the functional layout consisting of a private zone and common spaces; the interior of the student housing building based on three types of repetitive housing units; the furnishings in the student housing units providing the possibility of multifunctional adaptation depending on the needs of the residents; a kitchen in the common space for users, where they will have the opportunity to prepare and store their meals, but also integrate with other users of the building; spaces for individual work, group work, and quiet study that are adapted to individual privacy needs; space for physical activity; space for relaxation and spending time that will allow active participation in social life.

wizualizacja pokoju 1+1

visualization of a 1+1 room

© Marika Aleksanyan

redefining the student house

The key question I try to answer in this work is how to create the most individualized space possible for a group as large and diverse as students. The fundamentally paradoxical attempt to combine utilitarianism and inclusivity with high standards and responding to the sophisticated needs of tenants is the goal that sets the horizon for the Alpha student house. There is a real need to redefine the spaces of student houses, which have so far been associated with rooms that do not guarantee a sense of individuality, tailored to the user like a uniform that imposes a form of functioning on him, degrading his personal choices. Student life is not just about studying and sleeping: the new format is designed to meet the multidirectional needs of tenants, combining intellectual, social and leisure opportunities in one place.

wizualizacja sali do pracy w grupie

visualization of the group work room

© Marika Aleksanyan

wizualizacja sali kinowej

visualization of the cinema room

© Marika Aleksanyan


Illustrations: © Author

The vote has already been cast

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