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Zurich Children's Hospital—holistic approach and green space for healing

09 of October '24
Technical data
Name: Kinderspital Zürich
Function: Children's hospital
Location: Switzerland, Zurich, Lenggstrasse
Studio: Herzog & de Meuron
Client: Kinderspital Zürich - Eleonorenstiftung, Zurich
Principal architects: Herzog & de Meuron, Partners: Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, Christine Binswanger (Partner in Charge)
Design team: Michael Schmidt (Associate, Project Director), Mark Bähr (Associate, Project Manager Acute Hospital), Birgit Föllmer (Associate, Project Manager Building for Research and Teaching), Alexander Franz (Associate, Project Manager Building for Research and Teaching), Andrea Erpenbeck (Associate, Project Architect), Martin Fröhlich (Associate, Project Director), Michael Drobnik (BIM Manager), Judith Abele, Valentin Abend, Ömer Acar, José Aguirre, Luís Alves, Jens Andresen, Gabriella Antal, Michael Bär (Associate), Laurenz Batka, Michal Baurycza, Nathalie Birkhäuser, Filip Bolt, Sandro Camichel, Guanlan Cao, Axel Chevroulet, Benedict Choquard, Otto Closs, Victoria Collar Ocampo, Hernán Concha Emmrich, Joao Da Silva Moreira, Marc Anton Dahmen, Eva Danwerth, Léane Dott, Nicholas Dunkel, Silja Ebert, Ela Elmas, Santiago Espitia Berndt (Associate), Alessandro Farina, Maik Fischer, Daniel García Moreno, Kim Gartmann, Noémie Girardet, Irene Giubbini, Borja Goñi, Arnaud Greder, Daniel Grenz, Gustava Grüntuch, Lars Hagen, Christian Hahn, Kasper Hansen, Philipp Henestrosa, Anna Hernández García, Yuko Himeno, Ryoko Ikeda, Soraya Isak, Vasileios Kalisperakis, Marina Karova, Changsup Stephan Kim, Daniel Koo, Melisa Köseli, Sahng O Lee, Stella Lembcke, Matthias Leutert, Ruizhe Liang, Gia My Long, Theo Mayer, Raúl Mera (Project Architect), Laila Miarelli, Klaus Molterer (Project Architect), Miquel Montoya Moya, Neda Mostafavi, Stefan van Nederpelt, Don Nguyen, Anja Oertel, Mònica Ors Romagosa (Project Architect), Lukas Otrzonsek, Aldis Pahl, Jakob Elias Passernig, Vesna Petrovic, Fabio Prada, Corsin Raffainer, Timon Rajmon, Francisco Ramos Ordóñez, Bálint Rigó, Giulio Rigoni, Dominic Roth, Pascal Ryser, Ladina Schmidlin, Anna Schneibel, Balázs Schrammel, Sarah Söhnel, Magdalena Stadler, Maximilian Steverding, Paula Strunden, Jan Szonert, Milou Teeling (Project Architect), Emma Thomas, Ali Uzun, Yves Wanger, Patrick Welss, Mirco Wieneke, Niklas Winkler, Yaobin Yuan, Joanna Zabinska
Construction: ZPF Ingenieure AG, Switzerland, Basel
Landscape architect: August + Margrith Künzel Landschaftsarchitekten AG, Switzerland, Binningen
Landscape Architect, Implementation: Andreas Geser Landschaftsarchitekten
Civil Engineering: EBP Schweiz AG, Switzerland, Zurich
Medical planning: Evomed AG, Switzerland, Duebendorf, Institut für Beratung im Gesundheitswesen, (IBG), Switzerland, Aarau
Climate engineering:
Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH, Germany, Stuttgart
Sustainability consulting and environmental engineering:
Basler & Hofmann West AG, Ingenieure, Planer und Berater, Switzerland, Zollikofen, DB-B Dieter Bauer Beratungen, Switzerland, Bern


  • competition
  • design
  • implementation


Area: 46'650 m²
Dimensions of the main building: Length: 200 m; Width: 110 m; Height: 12-19 m.

Kinderspital Zürich,
Herzog & de Meuron

[Material prepared from the studio's author's description]

The new Zurich University Children's Hospital, designed by Herzog & de Meuron, is the largest pediatric facility in Switzerland, located in the Zürich-Lengg district at the foot of Burghölzli Hill. Consisting of a hospital emergency department and a research and teaching center, the project combines modern architecture with sustainable construction to create a space that promotes healing. Integrated elements, such as therapeutic gardens and play areas, support a holistic approach to care that considers the needs of both children and their families.

Nowoczesny kompleks budynków z drewnianymi fasadami i zielonymi dachami otoczony drogami i drzewami, z panoramą miasta i górami w tle

A modern building complex with wooden facades and green roofs surrounded by roads and trees, with the city skyline and mountains in the background

an interdisciplinary approach to treating children

The hospital's three-story concrete building, with fine wooden infills, blends in perfectly with the surrounding landscape. The interior is divided into zones, each dedicated to a different medical specialty. The main corridor, leading through each of the three floors, is surrounded by green courtyards, providing natural light. Patient rooms on the roof look like separate small houses.

Plan terenu przedstawiający złożony układ urbanistyczny z budynkami, drogami i konturami terenu

Site plan showing a complex urban layout with buildings, roads and site contours

Lightweight building materials have been used throughout the building, with the exception of concrete supports and communication cores. This allows individual units to change their dimensions.

 Plan piętra z zakrzywionymi bokami przedstawiający serię prostokątnych pomieszczeń i okrągłych elementów

Floor plan with curved sides showing a series of rectangular rooms and circular elements

individualization of space in the research and teaching center

In the northern part of the site is a research and teaching center building with an open five-story atrium. Natural light floods into the interior, and thanks to movable walls the lecture halls, lobby and cafeteria can be transformed into one large space. It accommodates 670 people, with lecture halls, seminar rooms and student study areas designed in harmony with the natural terrain.

Nowoczesna, otwarta przestrzeń wewnętrzna z drewnianymi sufitami, dużymi oknami i minimalistycznymi meblami

A modern, open interior space with wooden ceilings, large windows and minimalist furniture

therapeutic gardens as an element to promote healing

The entire complex is surrounded by 250 new trees, and boulders found during construction have been incorporated into its surroundings. The subterranean shape of the hospital's main building fits into the flat surroundings, offering views of the mountainous landscape in the background. An interdisciplinary and holistic approach to the design of the hospital complex was crucial to its perception as a place conducive to healing.

Nowoczesny, drewniany budynek z dużymi oknami, otoczony zielenią

Modern wooden building with large windows, surrounded by greenery

Both buildings have received SGNI's platinum sustainable building certification, a testament to their green approach.

Ogród z abstrakcyjną rzeźbą wewnątrz nowoczesnego, drewnianego budynku

A garden with an abstract sculpture inside a modern wooden building

modern technology in pediatric diagnostics

The floors house laboratories and offices, offering panoramic views of the landscape. The spaces are designed to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among researchers and students.

Pokój szpitalny z metalowym łóżeczkiem dziecięcym otoczonym sprzętem medycznym i monitorami

A hospital room with a metal crib surrounded by medical equipment and monitors

The two buildings, despite their different forms and functions, are complementary. The research center building, with its distinctive geometric architectural language, harmonizes with the flat shape of the hospital, creating a cohesive whole.

Biały, wielopiętrowy, cylindryczny budynek, otoczony drzewami i terenami trawiastymi

The white, multi-story, cylindrical building, surrounded by trees and grassy areas

challenges in caring for children in medical facilities

The environment in children's hospitals is of great importance to patient recovery. The Kinderspital Zürich was designed to support the healing process, affecting the well-being of children and their families. When creating its design, Studio Herzog & de Meuron kept in mind to minimize patients' stress and anxiety through appropriate decor, access to natural light and relaxation areas.

Nowoczesny budynek wykończony drewnianymi listwami

Modern building finished with wooden slats

Over the past 20 years, numerous efforts have been made to improve the experience of hospitals, helping to transform them into healing spaces where patients and their loved ones can feel comfortable and safe. But semi-modern architects still have a unique challenge: how to create spaces that are not only functional, but also welcoming and aesthetically pleasing, changing the perception of these institutions as unpleasant places.

Elaborated: Natalia Ledzianowska

Illustrations provided courtesy of Herzog & de Meuron studio.

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