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A house with countless windows. A mathematical extravaganza in Lisbon from fala Atelier

08 of July '24
Technical data

House of countless windows

Location: Portugalia, Lisbon
Project: fala
Design team:

Filipe Magalhães, Ana Luisa Soares, Ahmed Belkhodja, Lera Samovich, Joana Sendas, João Carlos Lopes, Kentaro Hayashi

Calendar: 2018-2022
Collaboration: Paulo Sousa, MP+PF (engineering), João Magalhães (landscape design).


Total area: 240m2

geometric residential avant-garde from {tag:pracownie}

Wave is a Portuguese studio based in Porto that describes itself as a "naive architectural practice." In addition to its clear and uncompromising search for its own style, fala is distinguished by the poetic naming given to its projects. In "house with countless windows," they uses Bauhaus-like shapes to create a mathematically fundamentalist space.

patrząc na fasadę domu o niezliczonych oknach nie można przewidzieć, ile ma on pięter

Looking at the façade of a house with countless windows, one cannot predict how many floors it has

Giulietta Margot | © fala

(Text compiled from the author's description of wave Atelier)

A three-story house acting like a seven-story building

The house has more windows and floors than other buildings in similar circumstances. Looking at the house from the outside, it appears both much larger and much smaller than we expect. A rigid rhythm of small window openings punctuates the orderly interiors of the living spaces, which unfold to the right and left from the staircase. The split-floor system hides between the thicknesses of panels that disappear between the windows.

Each wall inside is opaque; sequences of transverse glass bricks occurring on successive floors separate the spaces, leaving a hazy view from one into the other. On the top floor, the rooms are under a vaulted ceiling - the only exception in this austere system.

półprzezroczyste ściany wewnątrz domu stanowią wiele z niezliczonych okien

Translucent walls inside the house make up many of the countless windows

Francisco Ascensão | © fala

each element repeats itself like a mantra

The grid of the facade, the structure of the architectural plan and the overall system of the space remain dependent on each other, like parameters in a machine. Every element used is universal and repeated ad infinitum, whether it is a wall, door, window or railing. The sizes of the various materials (glass brick: 20 × 20 cm, marble tiles: 30 × 30 cm, etc.) establish a fanatical system of rules, as a result of which successive rooms appear identical, and transitions and relations between them are unified.

ciągi geometryczne przeprowadzone w przestrzeni są widoczne nawet w detalach

The geometric sequences carried out in the space are visible even in the details

Francisco Ascensão | © fala

Every decision about this space: practical, ethical or aesthetic, or even residential, results from and contributes to this abstract but very tangible reality.

The result is a matter composed of uncompromising logic

Home is theory in practice. Its homeliness is not easy to grasp and forces the occupants to find it and even force it in the midst of a design that follows a set of predetermined rules. The project is closer to being a mathematical equation in physical form than a house.

geometryczna ekstrawagancja na podwórzu domu o niezliczonych oknach

A geometric extravaganza in the backyard of a house with countless windows

Francisco Ascensão | © fala

Ania Kociucka

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