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One of the largest revitalizations in Europe. Zaha Hadid Architects will transform Naples.
Space building like from "Dune": desert dunes in Zaha Hadid Architects' design
Zaha Hadid Architects' vision: a state-of-the-art Science Center in the heart of Singapore
Zaha Hadid Architects transforms historic paper mill into Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade
Celadon ceramic roof and organic forms: Zaha Hadid Architects designs Cultural Center in Shaoxing
A key station in the world's longest metro line: a new design from Zaha Hadid Architects in Riyadh
The fifth element from Zaha Hadid Architects, or how to harness the power of the elements in New Tashkent
Symbolism of flight melted in building. Architectural biomimeticism of the Zhuhai Municipal Art Center
The golden tower in Prague, or Masaryčka by Zaha Hadid Architects.
Central Transportation Port - five bureaus want to design... why none from Poland?
Modernity, ecology, fun - how to create the perfect playground?