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Architecture, then business. 10 questions for Kamil Cierpio³ of the VERSO group.

21 of May '20

"10 Questions to..." is a series of short interviews with architects and female architects, to whom we address the same pool of questions. In today's installment of the mini-interview, Kamil Cierpioł of the VERSO Group answers our questions.

Kamil Cierpioł - a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. In 2011, his diploma thesis was among the ten best diplomas named after Professor Zygmunt Majerski. Privately, a husband and father of three children. Since 2013, together with Jakub Cieslik, he has been running the architectural studio GRUPA VERSO, which deals with designs of residential and commercial buildings, urban planning projects and spatial installations.

1. architecture in three words...?

a. Man.
b. Emotion.
c. Space.

2. the three most important buildings for you...?

a. The house in the meadow - this is where my children are raised.
b. The Jean-Marie Tjibaou Kanak Cultural Center designed by Renzo Piano - this is the first project that, when disassembled, showed me what design is.
c. St. Michael's Fortress in Sibenik - it surprised me.

3. the most important book on architecture...?

Adrian Shaughnessy, "How to become a designer and not lose your soul." This is not a book about architecture, but it made a huge impression on me.

4. most inspiring city and why...?

Katowice - the way the center of a large agglomeration is changing, it inspires change in the city where we work every day.

5. architect with whom you would like to design something and why...?

Medusa Group - I have always dreamed of working on complex projects. Such a large team guarantees it. Architecture in small studios does not face criticism, it is subordinated to one person. In a large group you have to work out a compromise... This compromise is valuable.

6. hand drawing or computer drawing?

Both forms are needed. Hand-drawing prints thoughts faster. While computer drawing emphasizes limitations.

7. mockup or 3D model?

Mock-up. I am an architect precisely because of mock-ups.

8. modernism or postmodernism?

Neither of them. Architecture is too broad an issue to be locked in one drawer.

9. work after hours or sport?

I am an architect always and everywhere. Sports allow me to de-stress.

10. architecture or business?

Architecture, then business.

If you have suggestions for questions you would like us to ask, or people of architects whose answers to these questions you would like to know - let us know in the comments.

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