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Stanislaw Deńko (1943-2021)

29 of November '21

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Stanislaw Deńko, a wonderful man and outstanding architect. He died on November 29 this year, he was 78 years old.

"To be an architect means to have the ability to create original works with great power of influence, moving our sensitivity to beauty ".
- Stanislaw Deńko wrote. And this is how we will remember him.

Stanislaw Deńko was born in 1943 in Dobczyce, from 1948 he lived in Cracow, here, together with the American architect Glenn Lewis, he founded the Architectural Studio WIZJA.

In 1967, after defending his diploma, he worked at the Institute of Urbanism and Spatial Planning of the Faculty of Architecture at the Cracow University of Technology under the guidance and in cooperation with Professor Witold Cęckiewicz. Together with Professor Cęckiewicz, he won the competition to design the headquarters of the Polish Embassy in New Delhi.

Ambasada RP, New Delhi, proj.: Witold Cęckiewicz, Stanisław Deńko

Embassy of the Republic of Poland, New Delhi, design: Witold Cęckiewicz, Stanislaw Deńko

photo: Stanislaw Deńko

For three years (1990-1993) he worked as a didactician at the College of Architecture at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, USA, later he also taught at the Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts at the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Academy in Cracow. He held the positions of Architect of the City of Cracow and Director of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Cracow City Hall. In 2016, he was awarded the Honorary Award of SARP.

He was the author and co-author of such projects as the Tadeusz Kantor Art Documentation Center CRICOTEKA, Auditorium Maximum, SERENADA Shopping Center and Alma Tower in Krakow.

Ośrodek Dokumentacji Sztuki Tadeusza Kantora CRICOTEKA, Kraków, proj.: IQ2 Konsorcjum (nsMoonStudio, WIZJA)

Tadeusz Kantor Art Documentation Center CRICOTEKA, Cracow, proj.: IQ2 Konsorcjum (nsMoonStudio, WIZJA)

photo: Wojciech Kryński © WIZJA

Ola Kloc

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