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What's happening on the planet Naboo?

19 of August '24

It was from here that Ferdinand Magellan set off on the first ever round-the-world expedition, and it was also here that scenes for the film "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones" were shot! Join us for a trip to Seville, Spain, together with Mateusz Zmyślony, author of the City Break for Advanced vlog series about cities.

Mateusz Zmyślony is a pioneer of place marketing in Poland and creative director of the Open Eyes Economy Summit congress. In the pages of A&B he has repeatedly told fascinating stories about various Cities, and now, in the form of short vlogs City Break for Advanced, he takes us on virtual walks through the most interesting nooks and crannies of European cities, suggesting where to go for a vacation or just a short city break.

an exercise for the imagination

Together we have already visited Cordoba, Ronda and Malaga. Now it's time for the capital of Andalusia Seville! This is the city with the world's largest cathedral and the impressive Plaza de España, which became the backdrop for the iconic movie, transforming into the planet Naboo. Together we will visit a replica of Magellan's sailing ship, which set out from Seville across the Guadalquivir River to discover the world. We'll also have a look at the majestic Golden Tower (Torre del Oro). Was it actually strewn with gold? See for yourself!

Ola Kloc

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Stone takes the stage - natural stone fair, September 24-27, Verona, Italy