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Eko-Instal – Monoklima.pl
The MONOKLIMA brand was established to promote and distribute specific air conditioners, whose special feature is the absence of an outdoor unit and installation entirely inside the building.
For this purpose, based on the knowledge and experience of industry specialists with the leading role ofEKO-INSTAL WH, we have selected the optimal air conditioners and accessories for different situations.
This type of equipment, despite its many advantages, is still little known, the MONOKLIMA brand is focused on popularizing these air conditioners, especially among potential investors, architects or designers who do not necessarily have expertise in this area.
Our goal is to complement the standard market offer of air conditioning systems with this type of equipment. We attach great importance to product quality, professional selection and customer service, and constantly analyze the market offer in this area.
Architektura & Biznes – articles
Produkty dla Architekta – articles