mmcité pl Sp. z o.o.

Through small elements we change the face of the city

Public space is a fascinating place, people and history meet here. We are happy that we direct our design here and can influence people's taste without choice. This is a cultural mission that we enjoy. Without exclusivity, true equality. Good design is not part of the gallery, but of life.

World-renowned design, ready for any city or place

It is important that small urban architecture is not only functional, but also beautiful. We believe in improving public spaces through quality design.

Success means not giving up on your requirements

We rely on carefully selected, proven materials and high-quality design. We create for the love of public space.

Stand the test of time

Proven materials, prepared for any latitude.

Actively for better cities

We support everyone who wants to create something extraordinary in public space.

The joy we send out into the world

Original gifts made from wooden offcuts produced in sheltered workshops. Our answer to sustainability and waste-free production.

Can you think with your feet in your socks and your head in the clouds?

Maybe some job opportunities are waiting just for you. If you'd like to sit on a park bench with us, email us.

Architektura & Biznes – articles

Produkty dla Architekta – articles