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There was asphalt and concrete, there are more squares. Green tactics of Poznan

31 of July '24

Step by step, scaled roadways, intersections and parking lots are being transformed into squares full of greenery . More and more such pocket greens are arriving in Poznan . They fit well into the fabric of historic districts and harmonize with previously greened and narrowed streets.

Large-scale actions of greening urban "concrete" are well-known. Small ones - escape the attention of residents and the media. Hence we keep reading about the transformed Chmielna, Bracka, Central Square in Warsaw or the finally de-concreted Nowy Targ in Wroclaw. Smaller changes are more difficult to see and remember, although their sum significantly improves the quality of life in the city.

przestrzeń odzyskana pod zieleń - nowe skwery w Poznaniu

Space reclaimed for greenery - new squares in Poznań - a reclaimed and greened strip along Umińskiego Street

Photo: Jakub Głaz

In such a not very spectacular, but consistent way, the traffic calming and greening of streets in the center and historic districts of Poznań, which we already described two years ago, has been taking place for several years: Wilda, Lazarus and Jeżyce carried out by the City Roads Administration. ZDM's Greenery Department, which stands out from this urban unit, has for years demonstrated considerable talent in arranging street greenery (more, among other things, on the FB fanpage Poznań street greenery).

przestrzeń odzyskana pod zieleń - nowe skwery w Poznaniu

Space reclaimed for greenery - new squares in Poznań - park/pocket square on Jackowskiego Street, realized in 2016

photo: Jakub Głaz

pocket park by the train

A valuable addition to these activities are large squares or pocket parks in place after scaled intersections and legal and wild parking spaces. In the first half of this year, more such spots arrived: two in Jeżyce and one in Wilda. In the summer, after a few months, one can get a better look at the effect of these measures.

The site on Norwida Street has undergone thebiggest transformation. It is located at the junction of the Jeżyce district with the route of the Poznan Fast Tram (PST) and the railroad line towards Szczecin, which crosses it on an overpass. The amorphous space, which consists of several single-family houses, blocks of flats from the 1970s and garages, was until recently a threshing floor with a poor lawn. In February, a triangular square was opened in its place with sports equipment (a workout zone), a small retention basin, new trees, numerous shrubs, and benches. There are also distinctive lanterns.

przestrzeń odzyskana pod zieleń - nowe skwery w Poznaniu

Space reclaimed for greenery - new squares in Poznań - square with sports equipment on Norwida Street, 2024, left - a 1970s block of flats on the outskirts of the historic Jeżyce district

photo: Jakub Głaz

The unusual location, next to rather noisy thoroughfares, however, aroused skepticism among some residents, but it seems that the rich and well-thought-out green arrangement and the focus on exercise effectively distracted from the difficult neighborhood.

przestrzeń odzyskana pod zieleń - nowe skwery w Poznaniu

Space reclaimed for greenery - new squares in Poznań - a square with sports equipment on Norwida Street, a prominent railroad viaduct over the Poznań Fast Tram route

Photo: Jakub Głaz

The Jeżyce Estate Council in cooperation with the City Hall's Project Coordination and Revitalization Office is responsible for the change.

przestrzeń odzyskana pod zieleń - nowe skwery w Poznaniu

Space reclaimed for greenery - new squares in Poznań - square with sports equipment on Norwida Street, 2024, view from the south

Photo: Jakub Głaz

The neatly arranged square also subjugates the not-so-interesting surroundings and may be a leaven for further changes. In the future, a pedestrian and bicycle route along the PST tracks connecting the center with neighborhoods in the north of the city is to run through it ( the first stage of the route is currently under construction). There is therefore a chance that the space just beyond the viaduct, already in the Sołacz area, will change in a similar way.

przestrzeń odzyskana pod zieleń - nowe skwery w Poznaniu

Space reclaimed for greenery - new squares in Poznan - square with sports equipment on Norwida Street, 2024, view toward the wild passage under the viaduct leading to the Sołacz district

Photo: Jakub Głaz

amber instead of asphalt

The second Jizera pocket park was completed in May. It was created in a more prominent location, between post-German modest World War II-era blocks of flats (known as Weststadt). It replaced the overscaled intersection of Galla Anonima and Kassyusza streets, planned, by the way, probably originally as a square where the axis of Anonima Street was shifted.

przestrzeń odzyskiwana pod zieleń - nowe skwery w Poznaniu

Space reclaimed for greenery - new squares in Poznań - square on Galla Anonima Street, before and after

Source: Municipal Roads Authority Poznań,

The extensive and superfluous expanse of asphalt has now been replaced with a variety of shrubs, alleys and benches occupying about 500 sqm. The preserved old trees have been supplemented with 21 new species (including ambrosia, linden, maple and plane trees). Cars now have a much narrower roadway and a previously non-existent turn forcing a reduction in speed. The project was selected in the vote of the Poznań Civic Budget, collecting 1240 votes. Cost: PLN 670,000 (more than PLN 300,000 from PBO).

przestrzeń odzyskana pod zieleń - nowe skwery w Poznaniu

Space reclaimed for greenery - new squares in Poznań - a pocket park instead of a parking lot on Galla Anonima Street, 2024.

Photo: Jakub Głaz

Finally, a third spacious square was created in June in the Wilda district, at the intersection of Robocza and Umińskiego streets . Previously, it was an unfriendly space for cars with an island of low greenery in the middle (inaccessible to pedestrians) and a neglected bus stop. The project here began with plans to build a new convenient bus stop, and ended with the realization of a sizable green square - thanks to the cooperation of MPK, the Public Transport Authority and the Wilda Estate Council. As we read on the MPK website:

[...] eastern plane trees were planted, as well as shrubs, perennials and ornamental grasses and bulbous plants. Flowering species and species with interesting habit were selected to make the bed attractive for the longest part of the year.

przestrzeń odzyskana pod zieleń - nowe skwery w Poznaniu

Space reclaimed for greenery - new squares in Poznan - a square in the place after a vast intersection with a greenery island at the intersection of Robocza and Umińskiego streets, view towards the former railroad water tower on Hetmańska Street

photo: Jakub Głaz

And, indeed - the diverse space pleases the eye, there is somewhere to relax, walk the dog, talk. By the way, the square forms a coherent whole with Umińskiego Street, which has already been paved and planted with roses. As in the other two cases, you just have to wait for the new trees to grow up and shade the benches warming up in the sun today.

przestrzeń odzyskana pod zieleń - nowe skwery w Poznaniu

Space reclaimed for greenery - new squares in Poznan - a square in place after a vast intersection with a green island at the intersection of Robocza and Umińskiego streets

photo: Jakub Głaz


Examples of similar developments on other streets (e.g. Jackowskiego Street in Jeżyce) show that a few years are enough for tall greenery to grow to a size that positively improves the microclimate and protects from the sun. This is because it is worth noting that the green belts and squares, which are arranged successively, are well cared for. They do not languish after "cutting the ribbon." They also form an increasingly coherent whole, which is in line with the policy of creating "green connectors" enshrined in the recently updated Study of Conditions and Directions of Development of the city.

przestrzeń odzyskana pod zieleń - nowe skwery w Poznaniu

Space reclaimed for greenery - new squares in Poznań - pocket park/skwer at Jackowskiego Street, realized in 2016

photo: Jakub Głaz

It is also worth mentioning here the increasing de-concretization of school courtyards. A sizable project of this type is now underway between the pavilions of the historic school complex at the junction of Wyspianski and Jarochowski streets in the Lazarus district ( we wrote about its plans in 2022).

przestrzeń odzyskiwana pod zieleń - nowe skwery w Poznaniu

Space reclaimed for greenery - new squares in Poznań - work on de-concreting and greening the school courtyard on Jarochowskiego Street

Photo: Jakub Głaz

New squares and green belts are also being created in more peripheral modernist districts. However, such measures are of greatest value precisely in old, dense buildings that create heat islands. New squares help lower temperatures, take away excess water from heavy rains and allow people to relax near their homes without walking to distant parks.

Jakub Głaz

The vote has already been cast

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