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Andrew Maciej Maleszka has died

04 of October '22

Unexpectedly, after a short, serious illness, Andrzej Maciej Maleszka, a Poznan architect, died on Monday, October 3, at the age of 75. For many decades he was actively involved in the life of the local and national architectural community.

Andrzej Maciej Maleszka (born January 8, 1947) was a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at the Wrocław University of Technology (1971). Immediately after graduation, however, he became permanently associated with his native Wielkopolska and with Poznań, where he worked in Miastoprojekt (1972-1991), and from 1991 co-founded the Studio M studio (together with Małgorzata Fornalczyk). He was exceptionally active in the Association of Polish Architects and the Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland.

He has beenrepeatedly recognized for his work on behalf of professional organizations at the local and national levels: with SARP badges - bronze (1976), silver (1980) and gold (2000). He also received the 2020/2021 Honorary Award of the Poznań Branch of SARP (together with Marian Urbański and Marek Czuryła). In turn, the Chamber of Architects honored him with a silver and gold badge (2014 and 2020). In 1990, he received the Gold Cross of Merit.

sports, schools, housing

To his credit, he authored or co-authored school, sports and housing facilities scattered around Greater Poland . Among other things, he was co-author of the Dobrzec-Wschód housing estate in Kalisz (a competition-winning project) and the local elementary school No. 17, as well as (in Jerzy Schmidt's team) the Lech, Czech, Rus and Tysiąclecia housing estates in Poznań's Rataje district. His design includes some of Rataje's cultural and service facilities, as well as the uniquely original First Martyrs' Church on Os. Tysiąclecia. The Greater Poland Chamber of Architects, meanwhile, singles out in its published memoir an original stone mosaic in Grabow-on-Prosna, the designer's hometown.

The deceased is remembered by Bartosz Jarosz, chairman of the Wielkopolska Regional Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland.

A colleague has passed away, whose activities were very important for our environment, in the previous decade he was twice chairman of the District Disciplinary Court of our Chamber, and later, until his death - deputy chairman. In addition, he was a very interesting person, We lost a brilliant conversationalist and storyteller, whose passion was also winemaking, which perfectly matched his sociable nature.

In a similar vein, the architect is also remembered by other colleagues - as an exceptionally sympathetic and kind-hearted man.

Also following in his father's professional footsteps was his son Jacek Maleszka, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Office of the Municipal Conservator of Monuments in Poznań.

loss of the environment

The death of Andrzej Maciej Maleszka is another loss of the Poznan environment this year. After the passing of Jerzy Gurawski and Przemyslaw Borkowicz, which we mentioned above, Poznan recently said goodbye to other senior architects and urban planners important to the city and the environment. We are talking about those responsible for plans for the development of Poznań in the 1970s and 1990s. Tadeusz Galecki (died at the age of 95) and Henryk Sufryd - author, among others, of many local plans for Wielkopolska cities (died at the age of 97).

Jakub Głaz

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