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Microdome in Silesian style. Pszczyna home of Sebastian Obetkon of Sense Group

22 of October '20

The question of the minimum necessary for existence has been with architects for a very long time. Many designers are looking for a solution on how to provide comfort in a small space. Sebastian Obetkon of Sense Group's answer, however, is unique in that he creates a place that is family-oriented, self-sufficient and surrounded by nature. His Microdome is also rooted in local heritage.

Mikrodom by Sebastian Obetkon is an architectural story. About the Pszczyna Land, about Silesian heritage and about family life in accordance with nature. It uses the formula of a residential tower - a type known since the Middle Ages, but adapts it to the modern needs of the inhabitants and today's lifestyle.



©Sebastian Obetkon

residential tower

The inspiration also came from a particular tower - the now defunct tower of the wooden St. Hedwig's Church located nearby. The house is designed on a square plan measuring 7x7m. The first floor houses the living area. The second floor is the space for the parents' bedroom and the hobby studio of all the household members; the second floor houses the children 's sleeping area along with a mezzanine play space. The roof of the building is devoted to a garden with cultivation of useful plants.


Microdome, functional diagram

©Sebastian Obetkon

house and garden

The microdome also includes a surrounding space with an oxygen garden. The latter, in the form of a free-standing building, is an integral part of the house containing all its functions. The designer himself describes its functions this way:

It can also be a guest house or a quarantine area in times of coronavirus. The inspiration for this part of the establishment came from the ocean and the fins loved by all the household members. Hence the color scheme of the interior was kept in black, dark blue and sea green.


Microdome, a floor plan of the environment

©Sebastian Obetkon

The area around the house has been adapted for a small farm that will meet the needs of the family. It houses a small greenhouse, an orchard, beehives, an enclosure with a chicken and duck coop, and a vegetable garden. It's a space that is not only usable, but also resident-friendly. Through daily contact with nature and work in the garden, they can cultivate a connection with the surrounding world.


Microdome, facade detail

©Sebastian Obetkon

Silesian heritage

The main material used in the construction of the house is brick. It is traditionally associated with Silesian architecture. In addition, recycled brick was used in the project. It is somewhat uneven and full of irregularities. They were laid in a herringbone pattern, which, combined with their rough texture, gives interesting chiaroscuro effects. Also an important element accentuated in the facade are the egresses, which are openings with a semicircular design that allow the interior to connect with the exterior. As the architect says:

The prototypes of our egresses are the characteristic semicircular entrances on both sides of the vestibule in 19th-century cottages scattered around the Pszczyna region.

However, this is not the end of references to Silesian heritage. The house's interiors allude to the work of Katowice-based artist Pawel Sparrow. His colorful works, in the spirit of naive art, enclosed a microcosm of the Silesian landscape, disappearing irrevocably. The interiors of Mikrodom are an attempt to convey the atmosphere of this painting through unpretentious forms and colors.

Helena Postawka-Lech

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