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I distinguish between inspiring and bland architecture. Matthew Adamczyk in the series "10 questions to..."

09 of July '20

"10 Questions to..." is a series of short interviews with architects and female architects, to whom we address the same pool of questions. For today's mini-interview we invited Agata Wozniczka and Mateusz Adamczyk from BUDCUD studio.

Mateusz Adamczyk - a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at the Cracow University of Technology, also studied at the Bauhaus Universität in Weimar. Since 2011, together with Agata Wozniczka, he creates BUDCUD studio in Krakow.

1. architecture in three words...?

a. Fingers smeared with markers and thin pens.
b. The smell of XPS foam burning with heated wire.
c. The euphoria when you finally manage to complete something.

2. The three most important buildings for you...?

a. Buildings in Katowice's Koszutka district, where I grew up....
b. Buildings in Berlin, which I often visited as a student....
c. Buildings in the Netherlands, where I practiced...

3. the most important book about architecture...?

The series of children's books "This is how people lived." It made me understand that architecture is always a reflection of the present and that we only remember architecture that is ambitious, bold and interesting.

4. most inspiring city and why...?

There is no such city, every new city I visit is a current inspiration for me... Well, unless it's some total shithole similar to a thousand other cities of the same kind in the area, from which I want to escape as soon as possible.

5. architect with whom you would like to design something and why...?

Cooperation between architects who do not know each other well is mostly doomed to failure, and the result is often miserable. Usually the architects' egos are to blame here. The most successful projects are always an authorial statement. What is different is workshop work in a large group, which usually succeeds very well, because then the effect of scale works.

6. hand drawing or computer drawing?

I like drawing by hand, but I like drawing on the computer or tablet just as much.

7. mockup or 3D model?

I work with working physical models, such work relaxes me, and when modeling in 3D, I am always a little nervous.
And seriously, these days I would put both models of working on a project on an equal footing. You can't give up working physical mock-ups for the sake of 3D modeling alone, and vice versa. The two techniques should complement each other, because at different stages of the design process and at different scales of projects, both physical and 3D models are essential.

8 Modernism or postmodernism?

Styles in architecture do not matter to me, locking myself into any figure is an unnecessary restriction. I distinguish between inspiring and bland architecture.

9. working after hours or sports?

As time goes by, sports after hours are increasing. I think it is important to have a life balance, you can't live only by work. Every architect should have a range of interests that can provide an endless source of inspiration for our architectural adventures.

10 - Architecture or business?

Architecture, however business is also important, without it I could not create independently. I would like to be a better businessman.

In 2018 BUDCUD studio co-edited the April issue of A&B, you can find their Atlas of Architecture here.

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