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GETZNER / Asona Sp. k. – Partner w Polsce
We offer vibration isolation mats designed for use in areas where very strong vibrations are often generated. Our products are suitable for isolating vibrations generated by machinery. They also stop vibrations affecting buildings, foundations and floors. Getzner vibration isolation mats effectively dampen vertical and horizontal vibrations. They do a good job of minimizing noise and vibration generated by ordinary building use, such as listening to music or walking up stairs. Getzner products enable peaceful sleep and rest, which translates into reduced stress.
They can be used:
- in construction (as insulation for foundations, walls and ceilings),
- as isolation of vibrations generated by machinery,
- as floor damping (for example, in supermarkets, fitness studios).
- Sylomer ®, Sylodyn ®, Sylodamp ®
Vibrationisolation, vibration isolation, vibration damping, vibration damping, vibration protection, vibroacoustics, isolation of machine foundations, anti-vibration pads, elastomers, anti-vibration mats, protection mats, anti-vibration belts, isolation of staircases, protection of buildings from vibrations, protection of buildings, protection of buildings from vibrations, protection of buildings,isolation of landings. - Acoustic Floor Mats (AFM mats).
Acoustic floor insulation, impact sound insulation, floor insulation, floor soundproofing, floor soundproofing, floor soundproofing, floor soundproofing, floor soundproofing, floor soundproofing, floor soundproofing, impact soundproofing. - Acoustic Floor Blocks (AFB blocks).
Insulation from vibration and impact sounds of floors. Used most often in fitness spaces. Point solution with/without filling between blocks. Under all types of floors having a formwork solution (distributing the load evenly over the blocks). - SB10 sleepers
Underlays for landings and stair treads. Mainly used in residential buildings on staircases.
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