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Creative about heritage - Heritage Innovators Day 2024

19 of June '24

Can the topic of heritage preservation be approached creatively? How can the latest technologies help in its preservation and can contemporary design seek inspiration from traditional crafts? Answers to these and many other questions could be heard at Heritage Innovators Day 2024, which took place in Rzeszow on June 11.

New European Bauhaus and cultural heritage

The doctrines governing heritage protection activities have changed dramatically over time, responding to new challenges, currents of thought, and the ways in which cultural assets are perceived by society. Today, heritage protection in Europe is becoming a subject of discussion not only in the context of preserving evidence of the past, but also accessibility, social activation or sustainable development. All of these issues come together in the definition of the New European Bauhaus, an interdisciplinary EU project that seeks to promote change and investment related to the built environment. Undertakings under the New European Bauhaus are to be based on values such as beauty, sustainability and community. How to harness the preservation of cultural heritage into these activities was debated at Heritage Innovators Day 2024, held on June 11 in Rzeszow under the theme "New European Bauhaus as a driving force for creative industries."

Heritage Innovators Day 2024

Heritage Innovators Day 2024

© 8Marca Foundation, photos taken by: Patryk Ogorzałek/ Michał Łepecki /

Heritage Innovators Day 2024

Today, activities centered around cultural heritage require an interdisciplinary approach that combines the spheres of business, ecology, creative industries and science. Therefore, during the conference organized on the initiative of the 8March Foundation, one could hear voices from academia and finance, from the world of culture , as well as from governments and local government entities. Discussions revolved around four thematic tracks - "Cooperation," which discussed the participation and cooperation of representatives of the creative industries within the framework of the New European Bauhaus; "Technology," where technological innovations in the field of protection, conservation, modernization andreinterpretation of heritage; "Creativity," which included talks on the relationship between contemporary design and traditional crafts; "Inclusion," which discussed how cultural heritage can contribute to greater social inclusion. In addition to lectures and panel discussions, workshops on the revitalization of small towns in the Podkarpackie region and the New European Bauhaus were held, and a thematic exhibition was made available to participants and attendees.

Heritage Innovators Day 2024

Robert Konieczny during Heritage Innovators Day 2024

© 8Marca Foundation, photos taken by Patryk Ogorzałek/ Michał Łepecki /

The wide range of speakers included Dr. Sanela Klarić, member of the parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina who is the winner of the New European Bauhaus Prize 2024of the year, Ivo Krankowski, director and producer of the Netflix series "1670," Malgorzata Dembowska of the WXCA studio and Robert Konieczny of the KWK Promes office, and Hubert Trammer representing the New European Bauhaus Roundtable. The 8marca Foundation, which is responsible for the conference, was partnered with Rzeszow University of Technology, which granted the event, among other things, space in the Didactic and Conference Center.

We are very grateful that the Faculty of Construction Environmental Engineering and Architecture at Rzeszow University of Technology was so actively involved in the preparation of Heritage Innovators Day. The event was part of a joint project to create a cross-border Center of Excellence in historic preservation in Rzeszow. The success of our event has already caused us to start talks about the next edition," said Natalia Gnoinska, president of the 8Marca Foundation.

Heritage Innovators Day 2024

Heritage Innovators Day 2024

© 8Marca Foundation, photos taken by: Patryk Ogorzałek/ Michał Łepecki /

As the foundation announces, the next editions of the event will develop specific tools and solutions to support creative approaches to heritage preservation.

The full recording of Heritage Innovators Day 2024 can be viewed on the 8March Foundation's YouTube channel:

Przemysław Ciępka

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