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Hunter Douglas ceramic and aluminum facades - unlimited wealth of design options

16 of November '24

Architecture is a manifesto of contemporary ideas, a reflection of the era in which it is created and a space where tradition and innovation intertwine. It is the result of a dialogue between form, function and environment, and its significance goes far beyond the utilitarian dimension. Each architectural project is a conscious creation of space that communicates emotions, values and aspirations.

Regionalne Centrum Krwiodawstwa w Raciborzu, produkt Terrart Large

Regional Blood Donation Center in Raciborz, product of Terrart Large


The façade of a building is not just an enclosure or protection from the outside elements, but becomes a carrier of symbolism, a language of aesthetic and cultural communication.

Ceramic facades

The need for "unlimited options," so evident in many aspects of life today, also influences and inspires us as a facade manufacturer. Large-format elements, unusual and extravagant shapes, curved panels and baguettes of different radii, a variety of panel cross-sections and the availability of many corner solutions, are limited only by construction needs, transportation and logistical considerations. Modern surface finishes, debarking, fluting, sandblasting or grinding, glazing, special sintered or engobe coatings, a variety of cross-sections and dimensions are just a few examples of our highly diversified offer, not to mention a range of colors including almost all shades and metallic effects. The resulting virtually unlimited wealth of design options makes façade ceramics a strong attribute of the modern design world.

Centrum Biznesu Ku’damm-Eck Berlin, bagietki ceramiczne Terrart Baguette

Ku'damm-Eck Business Center Berlin, Terrart Baguette ceramic baguettes


The wealth of shapes and visual effects resulting from experience, expertise and modern production methods mean that the option of using a natural, organic raw material, with its exceptional strength and longevity, has freed itself from almost all constraints. Whether classic or modern, a ceramic facade in its original natural state or with 3D effects - the result is always unique: a durable, easy-to-maintain building with its own character and individual look.

Rondo Shopping Mall, Bydgoszcz, produkt 84R

Rondo Shopping Mall, Bydgoszcz, product 84R


Aluminum facades

The lightweight aluminum open facade system gives architects the opportunity to design a cladding that creates a streamlined, elegant and dynamic finish to a building's facade. The open systems, typically made of linear panels, allow light and air to pass through while maintaining excellent acoustic properties.

Centrum Społeczności Żydowskiej w Mainz, produkt Terrart Baguettes

Jewish Community Center in Mainz, a product of Terrart Baguettes


For more information, visit the company's {tag:Manufacturer} page on the A&B portal.

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