Honorable mention
15 thousand zlotys
Pracownia Architektoniczna 1997
Design team
Krzysztof Frąckowiak, Aleksandra Kornecka, Katarzyna Weiss, Magda Lelonkiewicz, Rafał Hodyra,
Kornel Kuzanski (visualizations)
justification of the jury
The jury decided to award an honorable mention to work no. 202 in recognition of its high architectural and urban planning values. The proposed functional solutions are interesting in terms of utility and economy.
The project gained recognition of the Competition Jury for:
- an attempt to break the pattern in the design of buildings with similar functions,
- interesting elevation solutions including material and spatial proposals,
- consistent functional solutions,
- optimal land development
The Court's doubts were raised by the lack of connection between the projections and elevations (number and placement of windows on the elevation) and the lack of justification for the introduction of extensive terraces (within the laboratories).