Results of the Best Diploma WA PK 2022 competition

results of the competition

December 2022


Faculty of Architecture, Cracow University of Technology




We have learned the results of the 2022 Diploma of the Year competition organized by the Faculty of Architecture at the Cracow University of Technology. The awards were given to the best master's theses defended in 2022 in the categories:

  • Architecture and Urban Planning,
  • Urban Planning and Spatial Planning,
  • Conservation of Monuments,
  • Landscape Architecture.

The submitted works were evaluated by a jury consisting of:

  • Dr. Magdalena Kozień-Woźniak, prof. PK - dean of WA PK, chairwoman of the competition committee,
  • Prof.Justyna Kobylarczyk - vice-dean of WA PK,
  • Prof. Tomasz Kozłowski - vice-dean of WA PK,
  • Dr.Urszula Forczek-Brataniec - vice-dean of WA PK,
  • Dr. Agnieszka Wójtowicz-Wróbel - vice-dean of WA PK,
  • Piotr Chuchacz - MPOIA representative,
  • Marcin Pawłowski - representative of SARP.

The secretary of the commission was Dr. Łukasz Stożek, prof. PK.

The commission awarded the Grand Prix, three main prizes and five honorable mentions.

TheGrand Prix and First Prize in the Historic Preservation category went to Ewa Pokrzywa for her work "Jewish Cultural Center in Sokolow Malopolski," under the direction of Dr. Jolanta Sroczynska.

First Prize in the Architecture and Urban Planning category went to Krystian Machlarz for his thesis "Green Square Krakow - Green Library", under the direction of Prof. Jacek Gyurkovich.

First Prize in the Landscape Architecture category went to Szymon Chromik and Aleksandra Gońda for their thesis "Design of the Orłowo District Metropolitan Park," made under the direction of Katarzyna Łakomy, Ph.D., and Dr. Milosz Zielinski.

Please visit the gallery with all the awarded and distinguished works.

Grand Prix, First Prize in the category of Conservation of Monuments.

Ewa Pokrzywa

Distinction in the category of Conservation of Monuments

Nikolai Zamaryka

First Prize in the Architecture and Urban Planning category

Krystian Machlarz

Honorable mention (ex aequo) in the Architecture and Urbanism category

Paulina Ociepa-Inez

Honorable mention (ex aequo) in the Architecture and Urbanism category

Karolina Krystek

First Prize in the Landscape Architecture category

Szymon Chromik, Aleksandra Gońda

Honorable mention in the Landscape Architecture category

Aleksandra Szczypka

Honorable mention in the Urban and Regional Planning category

Michalina Zyga

The vote has already been cast

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