
deadline for submitting works


International student competition for the vision of the campus of the future of Cracow University of Technology in Czyżyny

organizer: Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture PK

Krakow University of Technology and the Faculty of Architecture of Krakow University of Technology, as part of the university's 80th anniversary celebrations, have announced an international conceptual competition encouraging students to create visionary ideas for the university's campus of the future in Krakow's Czyżyny district - CUT Campus: Driven by novel approaches.

Krakow University ofTechnology and the Faculty of Architecture ofKrakow Universityof Technology, as part of the university's 80th anniversary celebrations, have announced an international conceptual competition encouraging students to create visionary ideas for the university' s campus of the future in Krakow's Czyżyny district - CUT Campus: Driven by novel approaches.


The Czyżyny campus of Krakow University of Technology is the university's largest campus, covering nearly 55 hectares. The faculties of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Engineering and Physics have their headquarters here, and a seat for the Faculty of Computer Science and Telecommunications is also planned. Also located on the campus are research laboratories, sports halls, a student housing complex and an assistant's house.
As the organizers write, the goal of the competition is not to implement the concepts presented in it, but to open minds and generate discussion about the university campus of the future. Thus, the innovation of the concept is important, students can propose such solutions that not only meet the needs of the current academic community and residents of Krakow, but also anticipate these needs in the future.
The space is to be not only functional, but also become a symbol of modern Krakow. As the competition organizers point out, the eventual new buildings are to be not just technical structures, but true works of art that will go down in architectural history.

The competition assumes that the concepts will integrate academic and urban users in an equivalent manner using modern trends in the design of public spaces. The designs are also to be flexible in terms of functionality, thus accommodating a variety of uses of academic space.

terms and conditions

The conceptual competition is aimed at first- and second-level architecture students studying at universities in the European Economic Area (EEA), the United Kingdom and Switzerland.

The competition entry may be prepared individually or in a team of up to 10 people and should be developed under the guidance of an academic teacher.

Contest entries should be prepared on two 100 cm x 70 cm boards, in PDF format, in portrait orientation, and the written part in a pdf file containing a maximum of two A4 pages of text along with illustrations, diagrams, sketches.

For more information, please see the regulations of the competition


The works will be judged in four categories: Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Architecture and Open. Prizes and awards will be given in each of them.

  • First Prize - PLN 5,000
  • Three honorable mentions - PLN 2,000 each


  • Deadline for publication of detailed guidelines: March 3, 2025
  • Deadline for submission of competition works: July 10, 2025
  • Announcement of competition results: October 2025

competition jury

    The competition jury will be chaired by Professor Rafi Segal, a world-renowned professor of architecture and urban planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he heads the Future Urban Collectives research group.

        more information

        More details can be found on the competition website.




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