Single-family houses


Single-family houses

na okładce:

Malgorzata TOMCZAK

Single-family houses

In some cities in Germany, including Hamburg, single-family houses can no longer be built. These restrictions are due to a lack of investment land. In Poland, meanwhile, there is a significant decline in this construction sector - Poles are building fewer and fewer single-family houses. There are many reasons for this, as Magdalena Milert (@pieing) writes in her article.

The double - July-August - issue of A&B has been dedicated specifically to single-family houses for several years. We look at the most interesting realizations and ask their authors about the cause of the crisis. We invite you to a holiday reading of A&B!

More content in the e-issue - available for free on our portal.

Don't miss it!


Table of contents


Architect can change the existing reality [18].

Author Maciej Franta's lectures "Way to the profession",
Lublin and Rzeszow Universities of Technology (11. and 14.06.2024)
Aleksandra SKORUPA

Szczecin on stage! [22]

15th edition of the Westival of Architecture in Szczecin, 24-26.05.2024
Jakub GŁAZ

What is comfort in today's world? [28]

18th edition of Łódź Design Festival, 21-26.05.2024

Sensitizing education [32].

An account of the "Forum for Architectural Education - international exchange of experience".

I said "enough" [36].

Interview with Prof. Konrad Kucza-Kuczynski
interviewed: Wojciech FUDALA

Don't be afraid of posts! [44]

Interview with Łukasz Drozda
interviewed by Jakub GŁAZ

Caring speculation [48].

On the exhibition "Spatializing Reproductive Justice" at the Center for Architecture in New York.

The Mrzezino Experiment [52]

"Best Diploma ARCHITECTURE" competition.

Graduate Zone [54]

Competition "Best Diploma INTERIOR DESIGN

newsboard [56-65]

books, exhibitions, competitions, patronages, memories, news

About needs [56].

Review of the book "Polish Mother Peeing in the Bushes. Adventures with a child in a city of high curbs, inoperable toilets and broken elevators" by Monika Pastuszko
Magdalena MILERT

  • Autorskie wykłady Macieja Franty „Droga do zawodu”, Politechniki Lubelska i Rzeszowska
  • 15. edycja Westivalu Architektury w Szczecinie, 24–26.05.2024
  • 18. edycja Łódź Design Festival
  • Relacja z „Forum Edukacji Architektonicznej — międzynarodowej wymiany doświadczeń”
  • Rozmowa z prof. Konradem Kucza-Kuczyńskim
  • Rozmowa z Łukaszem Drozdą

e-publication supplement

Center for Fashion and Design [e02].

Competition "Best Diploma ARCHITECTURE"
Izabella JANUSZ

Funerary object in Szczecin. Problems of contemporary forms of burial. Universal chapel with accompanying functions [e06].

Competition "Best Diploma ARCHITECTURE".

Natural Building Center - adaptation of an old granary [e10].

Competition "Best Diploma INTERIOR DESIGN"

Arab Culture Center [e14]

Competition "Best Diploma of Interior Design".

  • Izabella JANUSZ: Centrum Mody i Designu
  • Sandra NAMYŚLAK: Obiekt funeralny w Szczecinie. Problematyka współczesnych form pochówku. Kaplica uniwersalna z funkcjami towarzyszącymi
  • Monika Å»YWIECKA: Centrum Budownictwa Naturalnego – adaptacja starego spichlerza
  • Natalia NAJMOWICZ: Centrum Kultury Arabskiej

topic of the issue

Will we build another new house? [70]

Magdalena MILERT

We have set our sights on a space that will be a pretext for building relationships [78]

Szymon Januszewski is interviewed by Ewa KARENDYS
Miodnik estate, design: Insomia

From the inside [88]

With Katarzyna Cynka-Bajon and Bartłomiej Bajon is interviewed by Ola KLOC
Multifamily House, proj.: PL.architekci

Praise of the landscape [100].

Maksymilian Sawicki is interviewed by Ania DIDUCH
About Norwegian single-family houses, proj.: OFFICE INAINN studio

Eco-friendly house in a few months [110].

Bartosz Dendura is interviewed by Izabela KUTYŁA
D13 house, Wooden House, proj.: studio4Space

moodboard [122]

#single-family homes

Aleksander Krajewski
(BLOMM Design Studio)
Licówka house

Ewa Janik, Błażej Janik
Reconstruction of a single-family house

Magdalena Górska
(Ekodama Studio)
Biodomek 4C

Bartosz Jarosz
(Neostudio Architekci)
Kamionki Park estate

e-publication supplement

Dariusz Dudek
(DD Architekci)
Functional minimalism - House in Tychy in dialogue with masters of architecture

Marek Kruk
(Kruk Architekci)
MP II House
AM House

Tomasz Motylewski, Marek Bernatowicz
(TiMarc Noble Interior Design)
House in Masuria

SAAN architects
Magdalenka Collection

Marek Przepiórka
(Pracownia Architektoniczna Marek Przepiórka)
House in the Świdermajer style

Tomasz Janiec, Kamila Fijałkowska-Janiec
(MEEKO Architects)
Simplicity that becomes elegance: A house near Mielec

  • Magdalena MILERT: Czy zbudujemy jeszcze jeden nowy dom?
  • Z Szymonem Januszewskim o przestrzeń do budowania relacji rozmawia Ewa KARENDYS
  • Z Katarzyną Cynką-Bajon i Bartłomiejem Bajonem rozmawia Ola KLOC; Dom Wieloczłonowy, proj.: PL.architekci
  • Z Maksymilianem Sawickim o norweskich domach jednorodzinnych rozmawia Ania DIDUCH
  • Z Bartoszem Dendurą o ekologicznym domu w kilka miesięcy rozmawia Izabela KUTYŁA
  • moodboard #domy jednorodzinne

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