Malgorzata TOMCZAK
Upper Silesia
The atmosphere in Silesia is unique. It's picturesque post-industrial landscapes, a bit like time has stopped in some places, red brick and lots of beautiful modernism by prominent architects, such as HenrykBuszka, Aleksander Franta, Jurand Jarecki, Mieczyslaw King, Jerzy Gottfried, Maciej Gintowt, Jerzy Hryniewiecki, Stanislaw Niemczyk and many, many others. It is novelty, innovation and design courage. It's a combination of tradition and modernity. Finally, Silesia is the already famous for all of Poland Department of Architecture at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice.
We have been trying to write an issue about the contemporary architecture of Upper Silesia for some time. We wondered what Silesian identity is today, in 2019. Is Silesian architecture today just a collection of unconnected buildings and realizations created in a specific geographic location, or do we still find a strongly defined identity in it? We asked Silesian architects about this, and they answered. Since there are no simple answers in today's world (there are simple questions instead), they often answer ambiguously and modestly, as Silesians do.
So we invite you to read on and take a trip to Upper Silesia!