Eliptic ME elliptical fin system

29 of July '20

Eliptic Me elliptical lamella system

Elliptical lamella system used to shield buildings, glass facades, window openings and more from the sun. By reducing the heat entering the building, the system reduces the operating costs associated with the removal of heat from the building. The elliptical lamella system is a system of fixed or movable facade louvers made of extruded aluminum profiles. The lamellas are mounted on aluminum brackets (clip fastening) or on steel structures (movable fastening on caps). The standard type of mounting is horizontal mounting, but it is possible to mount the lamellas vertically.
Technical specifications:
Sizes: 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500 mm.
The length of a single barb is 6m.
For fixed construction, the maximum angle of deviation from the horizontal of the lamellas is 75 degrees with the possibility of adjustment in 15 degree increments.
Constructions with lamellas fixed movably have the possibility of smooth manual or controller control in the range from 0 to 88 degrees.

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