Zuzanna Mówińska

Architect | UX/UI Designer And Growth Hacker

From an early age, her passions have centered around design in the broadest sense and all its aspects. Susanna's interests include the areas of User Experience and User Interface design, graphic design, drawing, photo processing, photography and most of all architecture. She always combines her love of design with a logical approach.

She graduated from the Architectural Engineering degree program at Gdansk University of Technology with first place in the competition for the most interesting vision of an engineering architect, selected by the Faculty of Architecture of Gdansk University of Technology and PZFD Trójmiasto. Throughout her studies, she actively participated in various workshops and competitions, expanding her knowledge of human-centered design. She is currently working as a UX/UI Designer.

Her interests are not limited to design. Susanna also has extensive knowledge of the functioning of algorithms and mechanisms related to social media. In her free time, she is involved in genealogy.