Michał Nataniel Wawrzeła

My name is Michał Nataniel Wawrzeła.
I am a master's student of Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture at ZUT in Szczecin. I come from a village located near Slupsk. I graduated from the First High School in Slupsk on the profile of math-fiz-inf, where I sang in the Kantele choir for 2 years.

My engineering thesis, also written at ZUT, whose supervisor was Dr. Dorota Janisio-Pawlowksa, was about the Ecumenical Center, where there was a strong emphasis on inclusivity and accessibility for people with disabilities. At the time, I noticed my passion for focusing on details and looking for various out-of-the-box solutions to their issues, combining styles and trends in architecture into a coherent whole. The result was a building that looks like a Mediterranean Byzantine church from the front, which from the inside and from the sides speaks to us both in the language of the engineering trend and Gothic. In addition, then the need to create architecture for and taking into account the needs of the people rather than art for art's sake itself clarified for me.

Privately, in addition to architecture and studies, I am passionate about automobiles and watchmaking, most recently fountain pens.

I strive to continue to grow and constantly look for more that architecture can show and offer us. As I grow, I have more and more ideas that I intend to realize over time, even if only in the form of mere concepts and sketches.

A huge influence on what I create is Tadao Ando, who showed me how to be a sensitive Brutalist, along with Shigeru Ban, who redefined cardboard and treated it as a construction material.

Architektura & Biznes – articles