Artemis Athanasiadi

My name is Artemis Athanasiadi. I am from Greece and I am in my fourth year at the Faculty of Interior Design at the University of Western Attica in Athens, Greece. As part of the Erasmus program, I studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk, Poland. Erasmus gave me the opportunity to discover new aspects related to my studies. In addition, I have traveled extensively to different countries in the European Union, as I enjoy learning about new places, culture and people.

My studies are based on interior architecture and furniture design. My goal in every project I undertake is to create a space in harmony with people, but also one that is environmentally friendly. I want what I design to be easy to use and useful on a daily basis. The art part of my studies largely expresses my personality, as I love to paint, sketch and take photos, as well as studying elements of architecture.

Architektura & Biznes – articles